
Do you believe that you can be very psychic with your soulmate?

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Me and my fiance have been psychic with eachother since we met, we can tell what were going to say, and sometimes we will even play with it and try to see what the other one is thinking at that moment, never fails, I see his thoughts and he sees mine. We were both skeptical about these types of things until we met.




  1. lol it happens but it might not mean ure physic u couldjsut know the other person really well ic an tell what my lil brother is thikning more then half the time lol maainly because ive spent my entire life and we havent been apart for mroe then 2 days lol u get to know somone and there habbits pretty well somtimes i can even geuss what he s doing at home

  2. yes, I am similar with my "soulmate".  It's like you are in their head....

  3. Yes and the longer that you both are together the stronger that bond will become.

  4. If you love someone that much its almost like your connected so you guys no alot about that person at the current moment but your not technecliy "psychic"

  5. I think my husaband is my one and only, my spiritual soulmate, and i believe that at one level or another our spirits can communicate. Knowing what each other are thinking, feeling each others pain etc

  6. Yes, I say to my wife to get out of my head sometimes.

  7. it's not "psychic" - - it's just that you are similar personalities that after time you subconsciously adjust to be more similar.....

  8. yes this is very common but not just with soul mates it happens between close friends also,the only thing I don't like about it it you can't get away with anything

  9. Yes. Soulmates do actually exist. It is pretty rare to come across yours though. And everyone thinks that soulmates are lovers. No. It could be a parent or best friend even. That's pretty neato that you can have that connection. I wish I did.

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