
Do you believe that your dreams mean something? ?

by Guest58273  |  earlier

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or have you ever been in a situation where your dream became true?




  1. Some do, and some don't, or maybe it's more accurate to say we don't actually know what all of them mean, or why we have them.

    I believe that dreams, like our thoughts, are composed of interactions involving different parts of our brain and consciousness and serve varied purposes.

    Examples: You can daydream, or you can think.  You can create, or you can memorize.  You can listen to a song, and your mind may hear the beat and the rhythm, or it can hear the lyrics and meaning.  You may remember everyone's face and name, but never remember a telephone number, or vise versa.

    The list goes on and on.  

    I think that some of our dreams are, as Melissa mentioned, one way that our mind processes and manages information, and likely emotions, that we have accumulated.  It may develop solutions to a dilemna, or sometimes, may simply compartmentalize and file our thoughts and feelings.

    However, I also believe that our mind can connect, as a part of the dream process, to external and internal sources, dimensions, or signals for a multitude of possible reasons. - (I could list a lot of possibilities here, because I do not believe we know with certainty exactly what is going on or where the info is being obtained.)

    I personally have had dreams that fall into both categories.  I also believe that it is possible to become a more cognizant dreamer, and I believe that some people are simply more attuned to and receptive to the possibilities of dreaming.  

    I have had dreams that have seemed to be totally illogical and completely non-sensical.  To this day, they are still exactly that.

    I had a dream a month before 911, and woke out of my sleep shaking, horrified, and shaken that I got up and wrote down everything I saw and heard in the dream.  I put the paper away, didn't give it another thought after a couple of days.

    Two days after 911, I "happened" to come across a sheet of paper folded in one of my books- opened it, read it, and sat trembling when I realized the date in the corner when I had written it...August 11, 2001 - exactly one month prior to 911- I had written about devastation and horror...death...wave after wave of increasingly horrible news...people all over the country were sitting in groups waiting by phones, and everytime a phone would ring...the news would be worse...people wailing and crying...I had seen blood, and tall glass buildings...airplanes...people jumping and being thrown from buildings...and felt all the horror and fear and kept mentioning that in what I had written...and finally, had felt like I was in a plane flying...actually heard people screaming...heard voices saying "we are going to kill them, we are going to kill them...they are already dead..."

    and felt a crashing thunderous noise and explosion of light...

    That's where I had stopped...when I woke up crying...

    When I read the paper, and looked at the date, I just sat there trembling...

    I still have no idea why I had the dream...I had several others around the same period...also dreamed and wrote down an entire situation about a chemical/toxic situation in DC where emergency workers were coming in wearing protective clothing and gas masks and offices were being evacuated - just prior to the Anthrax situation...

    I have had a few other very odd experiences with dreams, just too lengthy to go into.

    Nothing consistent, but I will admit that I believe that part of the reason they are not consistent, is because I have not taken the time to cultivate the ability and attempt to dream on a consistent basis...

    I am very intuitive, and I think that people who are comfortable operating from an intuitive perspective are perhaps more open to the possibility of being able to see visions, look into future time spectrums, etc...through dreams, just as through feelings and thoughts in daily life.

    There has been some scientific research done, but we have yet to touch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the human brain when it's awake, lol, much less when it's sleeping.


  2. since christmas once a week or so i've been having these dreams and they keep coming true

    and then i'll hav another dream and it won't come true

    but it was really weird, because i saw my maths test in my dream so already new what some of the questions were. i couldn't believe it and my friends just laughed at me, it was so weird

    so yes i do believe some dreams mean something

    hope i coud help

    x x x x

  3. In my humble opinion

    Dreams are your brains way of organizing the images and thoughts and emotions that you collect during the day.

    you brain has to find a way to organize and make sense of it all, and so.. it goes through the randomness, and weaves them together into stories.  There is a lot of truth to dreams, but that truth comes from within you.

    In other words, your dreams are merely a reflection of your feelings and images and experiences.  They are a cracked mirror image of the things you have already experienced.  If a dream does come true, it is simply because your mind has randomly calculated a likely outcome...

    just my opinion.

    much love...


  4. I had a period of around 1-2 years in my childhood where I would dream about the next day, and the scenario would act out exactly how I dreamt (and I don't mean things that I could easily influence). Even when I tried to alter what happened, things would then turn out to happen because of my actions.

    So in an answer: Yes - although many won't believe it.

  5. Yes i believe dreams mean something, and yes my dreams have come true.  Not all but some.  I had a dream i was in hostpital with a newborn baby boy.. 2 weeks later i found out i was 6 weeks pregnant and he's now five!  

  6. No.  Really, if mankind had any evidence of this it would be a huge industry all over the world instead of just Gypsy palm-reading and occasional amusing movie and TV fare.  

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