
Do you believe that your life could have turned different if your parent/s gave you a different name

by Guest66608  |  earlier

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Do you believe that your life could have turned different if your parent/s gave you a different name




  1. I almost got the name Hortence or Henrietta.Thank God my mother took over and named me!!!

  2. It deprends on your culture. I have friends who have changed their names for better luck, it seems to work for them, but they consult astrologers and whatnots before they do it.

  3. No, if you get a reputation for being dishonest, rude, womanizer or 'cheap' to name a few examples,  no other name will change that, your name is who and what you are  

  4. No not really. A different family name would have made a difference in a way but your life is what you make out of it and how you apply yourself.

  5. Not really. As you know most Africans are named because of circumstances surrounding their birth. My name has a deep meaning to me because of this.

  6. Leina le be seromo. I am not sure, but i think if i was given a different name, i would have copied a famous person by that same name. So my love, i mean my life could have turned different because right now i am copying one amazing person with the same name as mine.


  8. Nope. A rose by any other name will still smell so sweet!

  9. No, not really. You are what you are because of the decisions you make in life!

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