
Do you believe the $300 per child part of the economic stimulus check is good for the economy? Why or why not?

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In the 2008 Economic Stimulus Check given by the United States Government, every family with a child will get an additional $300. For example, if you have three children, you will recieve an additional $900 plus up to $1200.

Do you believe having an extra $300 is good for the economy per child? Why or why not?


I do not think the extra $300 per child is good for the economy for the following reasons;

1. Parents might use that money for themselves instead of on their children.

2. Parents might not use all $300 on each child.




  1. I don't think it will make any significant difference.

  2. I am not sure that the money was intended for the parents to use on their children, as far as handing it over and taking the shopping.  I have 3 children and the money went into the savings account to partly cover our family vacation at the end of July and the rest to off set the high price in gas.  I did spend a portion of the money on my kids, my middle child got some new shoes, my younger child got some much needed clothes and my older daughter is taking a desired class at the Y.  The money that goes into our house is used for our house.  My husband works but that doesn't mean that his check goes into his goes in to the general fund and is used for the whole family.  

    I do not think the check is a good idea because the money will have to be repaid some how down the road from somewhere.  The government does not have a way of making money, other than taxes.  So somehow that money they so nicely gave us will have to be repaid in the future.

  3. People with children are at least as likely to spend extra money as people without, and spending the money  is all that is needed to boost the economy. It does not matter who or what the money  is spent on.

  4. Parents create and nurture future taxpayers of America. As such, they deserve an economic bonus over those who are single and are not providing the nation with future revenue generators.

  5. yes it was a good ideal.

    the ideal of the simulus was that we would spend the money.  even if the parents didn't spend the money on their kids (or not on all of them equally) the fact that they spent the money did the job.

    I think most parents spent their money on things that would go to the whole family in some way.  like food or to pay their bills.

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