
Do you believe the Bible or "the church"?

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many churches teach things that are either not in the Bible or contradict the bible. a few examples:

what the church says: people do not die at death(a contradictory statement)

what the bible says: Genesis 2:16, 17, Ecclesiastes 9:5, Psalm 146:4, John 11:11-14, Acts 7:60, 1 Corinthians 15:6

what the church says: jesus and God are the same person

what the bible says: Colossians 1:15, John 3:16, John 14:28; 1 Corinthians 11:3

so again, do you beleive the Bible or the church?




  1. Jesus said the church is within your heart so why bother with buildings at all.

  2. Both! After all, the Church's Tradition has brought the Holy Scriptures to us along he centuries. The Bible is part of Tradition, the Deposit of Faith that the Church handed over from one generation to the next. The Scriptures cannot be read with understanding if we take it separated from the Body of Christ.

  3. yes I have come across this issue myself.  I believe God will lead me to truth even when I am in error.  So the bible of course :o)

  4. Neither.  But if forced at gunpoint to pick one or the other, I would pick the bible.  It doesn't ask for money.

  5. neither - the bible was written by the hand of man supposedly inspired by god but if you actually read it  I don't see God in there very much - so not the bible at all , and the church had little to do with promoting good in society unless you consider the little community churchs that actually get involved helping people so not the church either.

  6. I believe in God. I use the Bible to learn lessons. I go to church to commune with others in like manner.

    But God is the highest power and I don't need the Bible or my church to direct me to what is right - I have my connection to God.  

  7. I don't believe either of them. But, this is pretty much what was going on before the Bible was written. The church claiming stuff that wasn't necessarily established in the religion, yet. Of course, back then it was the king/ ruler/ whoever telling the church what to say.

  8. I'm a protestant so the bible lol

  9. I do not know what bible you read or what so-called church you attend but, both of the real ones teach the following on death; which leaves answers to the other questions unnecessary for they are of the same nature:

    1) Natural death is separation of soul and body.

    2) Spiritual death is separation form God in this temporal life.

    3) Eternal death is eternal separation from God and can only be fixed in Jesus.  

  10. What the Bible says: John 1:1

    What the church says: John 1:1

    What the Bible says Asleep in Christ.

    What the church says: Asleep in Christ.

    Asleep means dead.Asleep in death means that one day they will be woken up, or resurrected from the grave.

    You need to read about eight verses before and after your scripture quotes to know the context of the verse.

  11. If churches taught what was written in the bible, they wouldn't have many followers.  And if someone decides to follow the bible word for word, they'll end up in prison.

  12. Hello,

    I certainly listen in a great part to the churches, If it wasn't for them we wouldn't know the bible anyway as most of us other than Jewish people cannot read Hebrew. Greek and Latin take years to master as well. People like priests, ministers, rabbis etc spend much of their lives studying scripture and theology and do we take the word of a barmaid or night club owner over theirs?


    Michael Kelly

  13. I believe in the Bible and the Bible based church. Church is the body of Christ

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