
Do you believe the U.S. will capture Bin Laden?

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Do you believe the U.S. will capture Bin Laden?




  1. I believe Bin Laden is already dead. How could he have possibly survived this long?

  2. No, if we could find and capture him , it would have already happened.  Bush started out gung ho to try and find him and when he couldnt he turned on Saddam Hussein and thinks everyone has forgotten about trying to capture Bin Laden, once he brought Hussein down.

  3. No way, Osama Bin Laden is richer than Half of America

  4. How do you know we don't already have him? And what does Bush being in office have to do with it? I know the man sucks as president but I don't think that will stop agroup of Navy Seals getting some intel and finding him

  5. why would they "capture" one of their own operatives.

    or is it just a coincidence that Bin Laden shows up in whatever country the US want to invade next?

    Against the russians in Afganistan he was a hero.....funny that.

  6. Not as long as the Saudis run our government.

    Perhaps when the Chinese take over, they will make good on this. Maybe at the same time they'll go to Paraguay and arrest Bush and Cheney...

    Now that will be a day for rejoicing.

  7. Not why Bush is in office. He and the Bin Laden family have too many business trades between them. Maybe when Hiliary takes over she will find him.

  8. Yes, and I also believe in the Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy and that the check is in the mail!

  9. I do not believe that without a lot of luck, that Bin Laden will be ever be captured alive. But you can be sure that at some time he will pay the ultimate price for his terrorism. He will either die by combat, but it is more likely he will be taken out by one of his own team for the rewards that are on offer for his head.

    If captured and taken through the courts, it would take many years before he would be condemned to life imprisonment or death by hanging or lethal injection. He would cost the Americans many millions of dollars to have a trial. Bin Laden would die of old age before he has a fair trial.

  10. No. atleast not alive

  11. Osama Bin Laden is far smarter than any bafoon you're going to elect as the US President.

  12. Ask Hillary Clinton.

  13. even if they did it would be in the governments best interests not to say anything.

  14. No.  The US government profits from having Bin Laden as a convenient reminder of fear in many Americans' hearts.

    When the US public starts to show some skepticism, fear must be invoked to control the crowds.  This is a strategy proven effective by the last six years of the Bush/Cheney administration.

    Remember, a month before September 11, 2001, while Bush was on one of his many extended vacations, the National Security memo was headlined:  Bin Laden to Attack Within the US.

    Nothing was done.

    Enough said.

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