
Do you believe the bible as is written?

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As a religious person do you believe the bible story or you think is a poetic interpretation so you get the message?

if you do believe... you feel any different from people who interpretate it as a poetic interpretation?

And for the people who interpreteat as a just a story ... what you think about the people who believe all that it is written on it?




  1. I believe the Bible period.

  2. Parts of the Bible are literal, parts are sybolic, parts are in story form.  The discerning person will search diligently to understand which is which.

  3. DEFinitely!!! It happened.....they were inspired by God Himself..

  4. The bible is filled with contradictions.

    In more than one place the bible instructs believers to kill a person that does deeds contrary to god's rules. Then it has a set of 10 susinct rules of which one is thou shalt not kill.

    I don't get it. Nor do I get how people can get it.

  5. I beleive in it and I experience what it states in the bible, so it is truth when you line up with the word of God.

  6. As it is written in the most ancient manuscripts, yes.

    I'm a Codicologist.

    That means I examine ancient Greek and Coptic manuscripts and collate them into Greek and Coptic master texts; which are used by translators world-wide. I have been translating Greek for over 35 years and Coptic for over 20 years.

    There are supposed cases of conflicts (contradictions) in the Bible. But when you examine the subject and context of both passages, the "conflict" is often resolved.

    Moreover changes in the English language since the days of King James have created what appear to be conflicts when view in the light of current English.

    There are also false conflicts created by sectarian translators. English Bibles are sectarian and translators often "slant" meanings to support their religion's teachings. Where the Greek can have two or more different (or even divergent) meanings, choices must be made. Even if the translator honestly footnotes the alternate meaning(s), he or she must decide which meaning goes in the main text.

    So, translation bias, ignoring context, and/or linguistic changes are thus the source of virtually all Bible "contradictions."

    When in doubt, consult what the texts say in the original Greek, again taking context into consideration, examining variants in the Greek Master texts (UBS4 or NA27), and if possible, comparing translations made while Greek was still the world language; i.e. Coptic, Aramaic, and Latin.

  7. Do you believe that George Washington is a historical figure?  Or is he just a poetic interpretation so you get the message?

    First person accounts of historical events should be interpreted in the way that they were clearly intended to be understood.

  8. the bible is a fairy tale and people who believe in fairy tales are...well...

  9. There's both, Symbolism also.I feel some people take things literal that aren't meant to be, Even the first page about fruit from a tree.

    The other tree mentioned is later seen to be Jesus. There is need for discernment as to what is the word of God and what is interpretation.

    Also the Bible is a revealing book that confirms the truth, but you need the Holy Spirit for this or at least reliable sites.  

  10. Oh course not.  It is clabber, cover to cover.

  11. 100% its true as the god u and i will bow before 1 day!!!see if that is true when it will happen to us 1 day??

  12. No

  13. The New testament is the stroy of the extablishment of the kingdom of God/Heaven on earth -- the catholic church.  It is our story we wrote. therefore there is no interpration but ours.  this idea that one can intrprat and yunderstand the Bible according to their whim was born from Luther and the reformation.  It is also a distincly american idea.  Bu there is no "interpartation" of the Bible whne those who wrote it our right here.

    The old testament is the stroy of why God sent himself as the son in order to establish the catholic church and give us thi sgreat gift for our salvation.

    there is no other interpratation that is what the Bible is.

    Sola Scriptura ?

    Go get a copy of the marine corp. manual, take it home study it. Don't forget to rip out the five chapters that contradict what you are doing.

    Get other people together to study it, implement it in your life, get the people who you study it with to implement it in there lives.

    Oh, don’t forget to get your official marine corps manual concordance, so you can look up words and phrases like “simper fi”, “Iwo Jima”, “Helmet”, “Grenade”, and “Honor”,  etc.  

    Now does this make you guys marines?

    I think not.

    You are missing pretty much everything that it means to be a marine. You haven't had the training that they have done for years you don't have the history -- the understanding of what it means to BE a marine as passed on from the founder of the marine corp to his first lieutenants and on down through the ranks through the years – the direct link to the founder of the marine corp. and writers of the manual, nor do you have  the word of mouth testimony (those unwritten instructions that the founder himself – who by the way did not write the manual -- passed on to his first lieutenants, things the marines have been doing for years),  nor do you have the true meaning of what the manual says. Because, of course, outside of the marine corp., the manual is MEANINGLESS.

    People who belong to bible studying fellowships who believe in the doctrine of solely scripture, scripture first, scripture only -- sola scriptura are no more Christians than are the people who got together to study the marine manual are marines.  

    Now that you and your friends have studied the marine corp manual. Go out in front of a marine corp. recruiting station and as people walk in hand them a tract from the manual and get them to come join you. Go to a marine corp. camp and do the same thing see if they will join you marine corp. manual studying fellowship. But don't call yourselves that. Call yourselves, "marines". Go to the veterans day parade and hand out tracts from the manual there, and tell them to come to your marine barracks. Let people know that you have the way that all they have to do is study the manual with you and they too can be marines.

    Oh yes and erect marine corp. manual studying colleges and graduate what?

    Experts in misunderstanding the marine corp. manual.

    And OHHHH yes don't forget to call yourselves not just marines but "heroes(saints)", because after all everyone who is part of your marine corp., manual studying fellowship is a "hero(saint)", after all the manual says that doesn't it?  Forget about honoring real marine “Heroes(Saints)” like Colonel Louis C. Plain and Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone;  or Gunnery Sergeant Donald A. Levesque (RET); or Marine Cpl. Jason Dunham ... etc.; for after all the manual tells us not to do that, right?

    Then, go up to a real marine (if you dare) tell them what you are doing, and ask them what is wrong with it?

  14. The Holy Bible is God's word, written by holy prophets of God, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

  15. I do not believe it.

    People who believe it have been raised to believe it. They know nothing else.

  16. first of all you should not be making fun of people's religious views by calling the Bible a fairy tale. i believe its true b/c the events that happen in the Bible add up with the other events that occurred during the time period. i do not believe everything in the Bible to be exact b/c the versions of the Bible most commonlyread is just that a version. i do not live my life exactly by the Bible b/c things are different now than they were thousands of years ago. I do follow its teachings and listen to its message. i hope i answered your question.

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