
Do you believe the commercial airliners crashed into the Pentagon and wtc?

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Do you believe the commercial airliners crashed into the Pentagon and wtc?




  1. No I don't think so.........maybe you should try an audience with Mel Gibson about this and he can discuss how the Holocaust didn't happen either.

  2. this is a joke right...?

  3. Yes they did, there's video of it. I saw it on live TV, whats the question.

  4. YES! My wife was there and seen the WTC and could smell the burning from her home!

    As for the Pentagon. I don't believe that plane or at least most of that plane made it to the ground. I believe it was "blown up" by the Pentagon's defense mechanism. Not a conspiracy by far but still "Top Secret" defensive measures. It would make no sense that the worlds most advanced military would not have anything to defend the headquarters!

  5. as opposed to what space ships from the planet zeon from the star cluster: You Are A Fruit Cake.

  6. Yes. Two people I knew were on the commercial plane which hit the Pentagon. I went to their funeral.

  7. yes they were airliners, but the official story is clearly not correct.

  8. Ok im gonna have so much fun. These things really did happen but who created this problem and why? WTC building 7 didnt have a plane crash into but the other buildings did. People in high power caused september the 11th to happen to gain control of the American people through fear by using the media and to start a witch hunt for terrorists like Bin Laden. 9/11 was an inside job but created by the most rich and powerful govt in the world not particulary our govt but Bush was involved. Google video Loose Change Final Cut.

  9. WTF?????Are you saying you think it was all made up and none of those people really died??? And the news telecast was fake????

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