
Do you believe the current "dollar devaluation". Is purposely engineered to eradicate the "MIDDLE CLASS"??

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ALEX JONES radio show




  1. Fait accompli

  2. The only people engineering the dollar decline are Yourself and Your Congressman and Senator.

    How?   Well every time you buy goods made in China or Oil from overseas you are helping to keep out trade imbalance going. And that means more goods are imported than exported. That causes US Wealth to be exported in exchange for widgets and oil from abroad. That hurts the dollar.

    Your Congressional Reps are killing the dollar with their inability to balance the budget. The deficit spending the Congress approves every year means that we must issue debt to cover the shortfall and add more repayment commitments on that debt which reduces the amount of money spent in the economy. Instead its stucked away from Americans in Taxes to repay China over the next 30 years.

    So if you are looking for a bogey man for the decline of the dollar, you can start right in your own home with that TV, Computer, and chair your sitting in which came from overseas.

  3. thats one of the most ludacris things i have ever heard. the devaluation of the dollar hurts everyone in this country even the rich.

  4. I suppose at first, but not any more. With out the middle class America cannot sustain the capitalistic engine that we run on. The middle class supplies money to the designer labels, rims on the cars that are eating away at our oil. The middle class spends money on eating out and buying the food that is being recalled on a daily basis. The poor don't have the financial bearing to make a difference. In fact, with out the poor and underprivileged you wouldn't have welfare and other programs that the average working class American is paying for. With out education and employment for the poor, we the poor, are not able to achieve this middle class. The rich don't get rich by spending their money that the Middle Class find necessary. The middle class aspires for that capitalistic dream. With this being said, it is this sad misconception that is increasing the gap between the social-economic stages. We, as a country, are now scared because the middle class is becoming poor. (When you can't afford to send your child to college what is the difference between your child and the project-living parent who can't send their child to college for the same reason. Poor is poor.) If that is the case, what is poor?

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