
Do you believe the future is fixed and definite, or can it be changed and manipulated?

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Do you believe the future is fixed and definite, or can it be changed and manipulated?




  1. One cannot change what is yet to happen, and the happening is already passed into history.  

  2. I like to read astrological stuff and what type of person I am and what the future holds for me, but as being a Catholic (the Church doesn't want us to read/believe in astro related things) because only God knows what lies in the future. I guess that I think the future can be manipulated though.

  3. I think it can be changed and manipulated.  I believe that's what free will is all about.

  4. nothing is forever it can be change and manipulated but I rather change than manipulate.

  5. Who can know these things not-i only. Not you not me no one only the whole can know this only It can know only what is beyond the ego can know we cannot know we can only say. I don't know.

  6. Set in stone.  What we have done is no different in the scheme of time as what we will do.

  7. I think it can be changed and manipulated. I think the only way it could be fixed and definite is if God, or some higher power existed. It has been proven that God/higher powers were only created to give people hope because they felt like they needed something to be motivated by in order to continue living their lives. I do not believe in God or a perfect being, and therefore believe that the future can be changed and manipulated.

  8. I believe you can change your future.  

  9. Dont know, never been there.

  10. The future doesn't exist yet, therefore hypothetical.  Realize that the next instant is not promised to anyone and you can not be here at anytime.  Because the moment allows for choice at any moment the next 'instant' can be said to be a fulfillment of the collective consciousness, unconsciousness and other unknown factors and conditions in the universe.  The universe expands at the speed of light and potentialities fulfill themselves as unfoldment and become manifest.

  11. Jenga, I'm with you!  If God is omnipotent, then it is fixed, however perfect the illusion of free choice appears.  If we have free choice, then no being in existance knows the future (which an omnipotent being would, right) So do we have choice, or the illusion of choice?  Oh man, this is beginning to sound like the Matrix Reloaded... but the logic holds, doesn't it?  Come on all Sophomores, dust off that "Free Will and Determinism" text and jump in!

  12. Thats a good question!!!i think the future that scientist think of will not happen where there are floating cars and robots that walk like us and help us better then the ones today.i think from the looks of how everything is going,we won't be seeing flying cars or robots,i think we will see war fairs and bombings and natural sounds bad but that is where i think we are leading to!

  13. Since we can't see into the future, it doesn't matter, does it.

    The effect on us is the same.

  14. I think it is undefined and we make future happen...

  15. I think that there are series of futures. According to the level of consciousness, you belong to a fixed serie, that contains thousands and thousandas of lives, so if you dont get out of this serie, your fate will be one of these.That is, the intelegible character makes the sensitive character, the Idea makes the life in material world. The larger is the serie, the ordinary will be your destiny.

    Think about three series of fates

    1. Deep ignorance, no respect for human beings, for phisical laws, for the correct things of ordinary life. This is a series, and it has a number of destinies, but none of them will be of serie 2 or 3.

    2. Less ignorance, but still de ego and materialism are present. This serie has another number of destinies, and your fate will not be a destiny of the series 1 and 3.

    3. Much less ignorance, without de domain of ego and materialism. This serie has other number of destinies, the best ones, and very fewer people have these fates.

    We can talk about many series divided of the above ones, and your destiny will change if you are ascending in the consciousness, for the fenomena in material world change.

    The future is not fixed y definite, can be changed and manipulasted until you reach the unity.

  16. I feel if you change your

    behavior, you can change


    No, the future isn't fixed.

    There's always room for


    Manipulate your future

    to be all you can.

  17. it is fixed, but we do not know yet what is going to come next.


  19. I think it is fixed to a certain extent,we can change little things but it seems to me that most of the time ,when someone makes changes it is for the worse

  20. If I believed  it is fixed and definite,  I'd get real lazy real quick , since whatever I do is predestined anyway.

  21. Yes, Human Beings believe our future is ordained but NO its not.......The Lord can do all things & we Humans are made in His image so we are quite capable of changing the way things are going.

    Ps 82: 6........Christ in his Pre-incarnate form calls us gods........

  22. Have you seen back to the future????

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