
Do you believe the government is in contact with aliens? What motive would astronauts have to lie?

by  |  earlier

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I don't see why a man who was disciplined and courageous enough to go to the moon would start lying about aliens in his old age. Makes you wonder if and when this finally all comes out. How it will change the world.




  1. What a strange concept; to speculate, it is possible they went through some type of conversion while they were in space--but who knows.

  2. Yes, there are 57 different other world species who have knowledge and visited Earth. They don't blank UFO information here in OZ or anywhere in the world like in the USA.

  3. It is sad to see the problems that astronaut has.  If you do your research you will see he has had many mental health issues in the past 10 years.  Very sad.

  4. No...and why wouldn't they lie? If you believe your president lies...what's a low level astronaut to lying?? Maybe a book deal? TV guest appearance pay...tabloid fees...there's plenty of $$ reasons to lie! That's a no brainer!...or just maybe...there's as much 'space' between his ears as there was between him and earth at one time?!?!?

  5. yes and they may be advising both presidential candidates

  6. Yes



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