
Do you believe the government will reveal to the public whether aliens do in fact exist?

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When do you think we'll know for sure if they exist?




  1. The government has problms keeping any secrets.  If there were aliens someone would spill the beans.

    Sorry,  no aliens.


  3. I doubt humans will ever come into contact with intelligent space aliens. There is no point debating on a question when we are thousands of years away from getting to the problem. I'd be surprised if there was intelligent life within 100 light years of this planet. Heck, I'd be surprised if there was some intelligent life on this planet.

  4. I think they will only release it if somehow the WHOLE United States marched straight into area 51 and demanded some answers. I dont really think the government would have the balls to kill the people marching into area 51 if they go into the place in large numbers....because then they would look like a bad guy. The united states should do this some day....get a group of a million or so of people that want answers and march straight into area 51. Not like they are gonna kill all 1 million of us. seriously.

  5. A fake scenario of this sort is coming soon and will probably use the LHC as supposedly having opened a"doorway" to them.

    They are not what you think they are and the craft are just New World Order vehicles. Many will be fooled...

    Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam" and "Verichip corp"

  6. No, I do not believe the government will ever reveal the existence of aliens.  Aliens are NOT real.

  7. if they find them, you get bet they'll be jumping up and down for joy and broadcasting the news mercilessly during your favorite evening programs. nasa funding is always taking a beating, and aliens would stop its critics.  also, it would provide a pleasant distraction from current affairs, and if the government is republican, they can use aliens as the ultimate terrorists.

  8. The government (or whoever is in control) will reveal the existence of aliens when they want to. This will happen gradually over time so our society can adjust to the impact of such news. Even now as I write this there has been an unusually large increase in media coverage of related UFO stories & this will be their method of gradually informing the public of the existence of aliens.

    Cheers !

  9. no i don't. they do not exist. and if ever they do. the government won't warn us about these because they do not want us to panic. besides there's nothing we can do.  

  10. I wish I could be so confident to claim that something doesn't exist, especially given the vast size of our galaxy and the fact that we've never ventured further than our moon.

    I've heard a few stories about how the US government was preparing to disclose information pertaining to UFOs and aliens. At this point in time, you would have thought that the people of the world were more than ready to accept the existence of alien visitors, so it seems strange that the US should keep things to itself to prevent panic.

    Of course, the subject is ridiculed in public, both by the media and government representatives. However, it would appear that at a deeper security level, the subject is treated far, far more seriously and is a closely guarded secret. If there really is a coverup, there must be individuals and groups who are profiting from the secrecy. To disclose the truth to the public would undermine their positions of power, making such an event unlikely in the near future.

  11. It is impossible to reveal that they don't exist.  You can't prove something isn't real.

    I don't believe any aliens have ever been near Earth though myself.

  12. They are going to have to.. Aliens are real.. People who say they aren't are the stupidest breed.

    Check this out:

    ABC News Article Here:

    The first link is a radio interview with an actual astronaut who tells you in plain english that they are real and the governments of the world are building to a full-disclosure..

    Belgium, France amoung others have already started to release their files to the public.. wake up people!!!

    To the non-believers:

    You really think in the infinite galaxy of natural formations that we are the only life? ZOMG how stupid must you be... Open your mind, read between the lines.. All the people you've been calling crazy your whole life are just smarter than you..

    Sorry I automatically get upset with people who say they don't believe in something without any evidence to the contrary... And how is it you have no problem believing that you live on a floating ball in the middle of infinite blackness.. That fact right there goes to show us that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!


  13.   If they had proof of their existence they would surely reveal it to us,

  14. I believe they do exist. And the gov. will not let us know. Because the gov. is afraid if the public knows the truth. we will go "nuts" and be totally out of control. There's just to many "facts" and way to much "space" out there not to believe. If are the only one's??

               Some alien's played a big joke on us..

  15. The government doesn't know any more about aliens than I do. Nobody knows, since no evidence of aliens has ever been found. Astronomers are looking very hard, but they haven't found anything yet.

  16. There is no single entity "the government".

    Just think about the stuff they couldn't keep secret

    Nixon and Watergate

    Clinton and Monica

    Bush and the WMD in Iraq

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