
Do you believe the illuminati is real

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Do you believe the illuminati is real




  1. For over 30 years, I have studied cult groups. I've met many former members who were deprogrammed or themselves walked out of a group. I've known deprogrammers. And there have been former illuminati members who have walked and "talked" in recent years. That's how you discover what these groups are really about.

    Do research. Do a websearch for "illuminati," "Rothschild", "Adam Weishaupt", and "new world order." Read lot's of stuff. Then you decide. I believe it to be quite real.

    Then when you're called a conspiracy theorist, remember that everything starts as a theory.... yes even gravity! How 'bout a "round earth." The naysayers won't remember that those were only theories at one time.

    Here are some links...

  2. I asked this question a while back. They were real at a time, but they dont exist anymore.

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