
Do you believe the issue of global warming is being exaggerrated?

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do you think that the global warming movies they are making and the mtv advertisements are too much talk and theyre not really telling us what to do to help the environment if it is really in danger. i mean im sure there isnt a precise and effective solution right now and they are hoping for anyone to find one if possible but do you belive they are scaring people too much? i mean could it be possible that yes co2 emissions are helping with the temperature rising but couldnt it also be the course of things, i mean there will be another ice age and then itll be over and then there will be another one and so forth.. if everything goes wrong do you believe we will find another place to live (underwater or another planet) or will we all disappear?




  1. No

  2. No I don't. Even if there were only a 10% chance that the worst case scenario comes true, it justifies alarmism. As Dana points out, the arctic melting is happening faster than predicted. Also, there is pressure on scientists to sound unalarmist, and many of them are afraid to speak up about how disasterous this can turn out.

  3. Absolutely not! The climate is changing at a fast pace. The North Pole is melting away. There will be no more ice left...You may find a site on the internet to explain this...

  4. The issue is absolutely being exaggerated and exploited. Many issues are exploited, whether they are legitimate issues or not; this one is no different.

    I mean, people are selling baby clothes with "Think Green" on them, PJs with "It's Easy Bein' Green" on them, and movies about global warming prey on fear. I'm sure there are some companies out there who advertise for this "Think Green" campaign on their clothing who actually give a portion of that money towards helping the environment, but my guess is that IF they do, it isn't much.  

    It has always been my belief that the earth will find a way to rid itself of us should it need to. Are we changing the environment? Absolutely. Almost every species makes changes to the environment in which it lives. Species come and go. Species underwent extinction far before man came onto the scene, so let's not take TOO much credit, okay? Have we killed off animals? We have indeed. Is that a shame? It is. But, overall, I don't think we can do as much harm as the environmentalists would say we can. Now, if the world set off every nuke in existence, there would be some rather significant and immediate changes, but I still think the earth would recover from that.

    As for the cause of global warming, I think that it is largely natural. The planet goes through cycles and we are simply in a warmer one now (or it seems that we are). Did humans cause the ice age that occurred billions of years ago? No. I don't think we have to power to cause this warming age, either. The sun's gravitational pull may have some effect. Check out this article:

    Regardless of what your views are on what or who is causing global warming or whether it exists at all (there is, after all, some compelling evidence that suggests that the earth is actually in a cooling phase, despite those melting icecaps), I think it is more than obvious that the issue has been exaggerated and exploited.

  5. Listen although it is a natural occurrence, since the days of the industrial revolution humans have contributed to speeding up the process, the polar bear is becoming endangered, by the fact it can hunt, because the ice is melting at rapid rates, & the ocean's coral reefs are dying, in the long end of things it won't matter what we the general public thinks...It is up to the powers that be...They the word's politicians, coporate ceo's it must be a gobal responsibility for them, before members of the general public can judge.

    We humans are at the top of the food chain, we are the human species, the lower animals can't help themselves, therefore humans must help their environment & the animals within because we are all connected to this planet, it is our home. I feel you should think & not surmise what your personal opinions are!

  6. Elvira suggests that she is a caring person because she believes American prosperity is destroying the world and anyone that doubts that is uncaring.  I wish I had a ticket for Ken and her to go to that other planet.  Their thinking is alien to me, to put it nicely.

  7. Surprise !! It is a Lie by the left to keep the republicans on defense. Gore's movie was stolen from another movie and the ice melting was a scene that was computer generated, The CO2 problem give the plants credit because they have taken care of most of it. The present level is about 300 ppm. Now to convert that to percent of our atmosphere and it is   .000,300% almost  nothing....

  8. thats exactly how i feel i mean come on what r we children stop trying to scare us u know and any1 who believes that global warming is going to kill us is horribly misinformed

    if the world goes to sh**, humans r very resourceful when their life is on the line so yes we will find a way to survive

  9. I don't know whether it's being exaggerated but it IS being exploited by greedy politicians. A green tax? Do me a favour people.

  10. Media hype and deceptive Al Gore slide shows notwithstanding, greenhouse gas concentrations demonstrably do not determine temperatures.

    Environmentalists throughout modern history have instilled fear over one looming "crisis" or another with the aim of increasing government control over things big and small.

  11. I work in a Government agency, we monitor Air pollution. The EPA, and the CDC are both pushing as hard as possible to comply with regulations initiated many years ago.

    Climate change is something that is going to cause less humans to be able to inhabit the planet. In less than 10 years the Center for Disease Control is concerned that the exaggerated temperatures are going to make the elderly, young and weak very ill.

    The large Auto and Oil Industries and our present Chief Executive think that making the rich richer is the most important thing.

    Why do you think an additional 2,000,000. was added to Mars exploration? They know what is coming. Over 1,000 earthquakes in a Southern State a day, up from 300 + 10 years ago.

    We have to make drastic changes NOW - it still may be too late.

  12. If you think of the past the ways we show other what the world was like before the ice caps with ours melting it should not make any different by the amount of space the ice takes up if melted it shouldn't take up any more so with melted ice caps there should be no worry to global worming.

  13. I work for NCAR national center for atmosphereic rescearch in Boulder Colorado I know a little about the sky and did you know that pollution travels around the world in one week or less depending on thermal drift so the smog that is produced with just the combustion engine jets,cars you anything that runs on fossil fuels is in your air and food and water and it will float around and around If you want the solutionns Google JIM STARRY he is real smart and has 123 technologies that work if we would just act instead of talking about the problem and come up with the solutions that work Faith without works is dead

  14. I like Elvira's proposal. If only we could experiment with 2 identical planets.  Put the people that accept gw on one and those who don't on another. Then come back in 50 or 100 years to see the result.  Maybe I'll throw together a little computer model to explore this further ;-)

    In answer to the question, some movies and advertisements are clearly misleading.  But in general, most of the media coverage you hear or see is probably about the right level of seriousness.

    Motivating people to change behavior is like pulling teeth out of an angry wolverine.  It's not easy. That's probably why some of the commercials and such focus on the more serious potential consequences. If global warming is real, and it is, then telling people that we might escape disaster wouldn't be very effective at getting them to do anything.  So as long as the information presented is within a reasonable realm of possibilities, then I wouldn't call it exaggeration.

  15. Yes.  For folks worried about a climate crisis, it is beyond their imagination to entertain the idea that it might NOT be the end of the world.

    Reasons for their faith vary, but it gives them something to do and feel important about.

  16. i have to really stifle myself to prevent being rude to you--so let me put it this way. if there were a choice of living on a different world with the people who believe and work to stop global warming and the other where nobody gives a sh*t--i think i'd be living on the former and we'll see how you feel about it in 10 years.

  17. well, it was disproven to be fake. i dont know the facts, i just heard it a lot on ro and gary, and some big talk shows. thats why they stopped talking about it an changed to global crisis, about pollution, and going green and c**p. i think its all fake. and yes, exaggerated. its a natural thing. the climate fixes its self. over years it cools and heats. it nothing to be worried about

  18. No.  If anything the predictions are too conservative.

    For example, just recently scientists thought the Arctic wouldn't be ice free for several decades.  Then a few months ago one study predicted it might happen as soon as 5 years from now.  Now it could happen as early as this summer.

    This is just one example among many of scientists' predictions being too conservative regarding global warming.

  19. Exaggerated and exploited.

  20. o yeah it is

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