
Do you believe the only people that are now voting McCain are those that are racist against Obama?

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That is what everyone is saying. If the roles were reversed and McCain was black, and he brought in Miss Beehive the country would be laughing so hard that alone would flood cities.




  1. I am not saying that and I support Obama,  

  2. People vote for a variety of reasons. One of the problems in this campaign is that people are making generalizations about those who don't agree with them. We really need to come together now. We're in trouble.

  3. You see how during the DNC repuplican people intelligently listened while at the RNC the democrat nut jobs can't help but destroy the city, attack cops, break stuff, on and on. Is this their way of saying "Hey America, vote democrat, we're more mature"

  4. nope i dont belive that.  but they must be fairly stupid.  why would any person with a brain vote for 4 more years of pres. bush.

  5. Yes, that's it. You got us d**k Tracy. Couldn't be they are Republicans and he is a Democrat. Couldn't be they are against his policies. No they are all racist. Your parents must be so proud of your detective skills! Might also have to do with the fact when he ran for US Senate he ran on veterans issues. Th veterans of Illinois were at the bottom when it came to disability compensation. Guess where they still are? Yet he had time to do a self promoting book tour and start his bid for President instead of doing the f'n job he was elected to do. No that couldn't be it.

  6. You think Obama would be where he is if he were white?

    You really think a first term senator could have won the Democratic nomination if he were white?

    Get a clue.

  7. not all but in some cases yes  

  8. So the only reason people are voting for Obama is to prove they're not racist?

  9. Yes it seems so.

  10. No. Race has nothing to do with it except when used by Black Politicians on either side. I vote based on a person's record (or lack of) in their careers as politicians. I'm usually forced to choose the lessor of evils that I vote for.

    Here's some reading material of why I will never vote for Barack Obama or any Democrat ever.

  11. why does it have to be about race? people that make it about race are dumb...they are just two PEOPLE

    ("Those that are voting Obama is because they are aware of the need of change for your country. Those that arent are afraid of a black president. Very sad.") - so if you don't vote for obama its because your afraid of a black president? So If you don't vote for a guy with a mole on his face is it because your afraid of people with moles?

  12. Short answer to this question:  NO!

    Long answer:  The people who will vote for the McCain/Palin ticket will be doing so fro the good of this country.  The USA is a democratic, capitalistic, free country and to vote for Obama/Biden would be a major step in the direction of socialism.

    BTW  I haven't read or heard anything like what you are spewing.  But, then that is expected of liberal socialists!

    OMG!  I would hate to see anything happen to a sitting president, but if that should happen after McCain is elected, Palin will be surrounded by the best of the best advisors and with the fact that she does have some experience in being the head of the executive branch of government in her home state I believe that she will be quite capable of performing her duties efficiently and to the best interests of ALL americans.  I can't say the same about the Obama/Biden ticket, however!

    As far as being afraid of a black president, I have to beg a difference with you.  Had the Republican Party decided to nominate Colin Powell, or Condi Rice, we would have had our first black president,and in the case of the latter our first black female president.

  13. If the races were reversed I would vote for McCain. Black or white, he is the BETTER choice. Obama just doesn't have it, at any color skin.

  14. Hardly.

    If that were the case, many Democrats would be flocking to the polls to vote McCain.

    There are racists in America, but the numbers of them are so few in today's United States that it should make little difference in the outcome of the election.

    I'm sure they are well off-set by those who will vote FOR Obama simply because he is a dark complected bi-racial individual.  

  15. No!!! I was a Hillary supporter, who is now voting for McCain, and I am not racist, I am just smart!!! I have a minority Husband, and minority children,  There goes your theory down the toilet!!!!

  16. I doubt it. Most people I know that are voting for McCain are doing so NOT because they like him, but because they are scared to DEATH of the socialistic change that Obama promises to bring.

    Honestly, the government hasn't done a bang up job with welfare, social security and government education, isn't it scary to think of them controlling your healthcare too?

  17. Thank you for an outstanding question.  As much as I hate to think so, I must now say that for the most part, you are right.  Not only would these people rather suffer through 4 more years of failed Republican policies, but they'd rather close their eyes to the truth about Palin than to elect a man who truly cares about the American people.  They're afraid of a man who only wants to bring this country together.    

    I've heard the lie about the Democrats starting the rumors about Palin.  They put the blame on Obama, for exposing Palin.  The truth is that the media uncovered and released this story.  And the truth is that Palin is no different than any other politician who is scrutinized by the media.  

    No one wants to attack a pregnant teenager.  The issue is that Gov. Palin is indeed a liar and an extremist.  Instead of standing up like other mothers do--seeing her daughter through this difficult time, she's pushing the girl into an unlikely marriage to save face.  Perhaps Gov. Palin should pay more attention to her family than to her career.  Perhaps she's the bad parent she speaks about, when she blames parents for out of wedlock pregnancies.  This woman has a baby with special needs at home.  Perhaps she should give this child the attention it requires, rather than try to follow a fool to the White House.  Sorry, but beauty queen looks just don't cut it, when it comes to dedication and integrity.

    Racism has seperated the people for far too long.  We stand on the brink of making a tremendous change in America.  YES, WE CAN make America a better place to live--a better place to raise our children.  Instead, racists want to hold on to the same old sick traditions that have weakened this country.  How very sad it is.

    Obama/Biden 2008!

  18. I'm sure that it's deliberately being painted that way to shut economic conservatives up. But we're right, socialism isn't the answer.

  19. yes, the hardcore republicans.

  20. definitely....

  21. No

    I am a life long Democrat and I don't like Obama or his Socialistc views and his unpatriotic wife..biden is OK for a Senator and a do nothing congressman who sat on his duff  pointing fingers at the GOP

    Democrats have failed us all the last two years in Congress

    I hope the DNC is happy with their wonder boys..I know I can't stand

    these political hacks..if you have to use the race card you are going

    to lose badly in the fall..if this is true 69% of the *silent majority*

    have their own agenda and Barack Obama with all his *change* and

    * yes we can* won't be worth warm spit


  23. There are certainly McCain supporters like that but you can't generalize.

  24. With PALIN it is showing that the RP is Sexist

    It is a outright put down to both R and D to assume we don't see the reason she was chosen

    it is NOT about her "politics", her record, her "content"

    It is just more of the same ....the RP doesn't seem to "get" and that is that it isn't about the color of your skin ( or if your male or female)

    It's the CONTENT of your character.

    We don't need an "IMAGE", we don't need puppet...we need a LEADER.

    Did they Pick the Best republican Leader to act as VP...NO they didn't

    Why ?

    Because ,It doesn't matter who they place in the slot of President or VP, they will be simply another R doing the bidding of Big Business.

    Like MLK said,

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

    * Do you really think that "Bush" was the best they had to offer in terms of a leader? The man can hardly form a coherent sentence..much less run a country.

    He was the most manipulable , behind the scenes.

    Palin is just as expected to be a "good lil woman" and she is to stupid to even realize it herself or she Never would have accepted the Nom.

    Think about it


  25. No.

    There are general Wackos out there that actually believe that Conservative Republicanism is actually good for this country.

    Instead of the insane political movement that it is.

  26. yes  

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