
Do you believe the original Israelites were "black"?

by Guest55750  |  earlier

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Tacitus' Comment:

"Some say that the Israelites were fugitives from the island of Crete, who settled on the nearest coast of Africa about the time when Saturn was driven from his throne by the power of Jupiter.

Others assert that in the reign of Isis the overflowing population of Egypt, led by Hierosolymus and Judas, discharged itself into the neighboring countries.

Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin, who in the time of king Cepheus were driven by fear and hatred of their neighbors to seek a new dwelling-place.




  1. Well, the original Egyptians were a Nilotic people, who migrated down the Nile from an area deep in southern Sudan - in other words, they were black.

    Moses (don't know where in Bible) resembled the Egyptians, he fit in with them in appearance.  That meant he was black.

    If Moses were black, his Isrealite parents would have to be black - so, the original Isrealites were black.  (But, the modern Isrealites are semitic; this needs some explanation.)

  2. The original Israelites were not of black skin, unlike a lot of their Egyptian counterparts.

    There is the historical possibility of one of the sons of Moses moving into the larger land mass of Africa proper and later becoming a people with black skin over time.

    But the Israelites, per se, came from Abraham of the city of Ur in Babylonia. they were not "white" people, like you would think of Germans, Irish, and Norweigan type people, but they were not of black skin either.

    The black skinned people of the area, like the Nubians, even the Cushites, even peoples of the Upper Egypt area were infact quite well known to these early races/ethnic groups.

    Babylonias and Egyptians were much older poeple than the Israelites.

    And the darker skinned Cushites, Nubians, and Upper Egyptians are all older races of people than the Ethiopians in that particular area. Not even mentioning the other great empires of people of darker skin  in Africa Proper.

    BUT.... if you wish, for the sake of arguement say, we ALL came "out of Africa", then you would also be correct.

    Bt also, as we know, there were many different types of people, AND colors of skin that came out of Africa.

    So, nope, the "origional Israelites", which even Egypt has pictures of, were NOT people of black skin.

  3. no

  4. Supposedly one of the 12 tribes of Israel migrated to present day Ethiopia, Ethiopians have slender noses to this day.

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