
Do you believe the public scholl system is a failure?school grammer ..?

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Do you believe the public scholl system is a failure?school grammer ..?




  1. As a public school teacher, I do not believe that the public school system is a "failure."  It may seem that it is a failure because the school system must take the blame for all the negative happenings.  The real problem is the parents and homes that the children come from.  There are so many parents that don't take care of their children.  Public schools can't change the parenting.  We can't make the parents help their kids with homework or check their grades.  We can't make the parents spend time reading to their children or studying their spelling words.  

    "Public schools" do their best with what their given. I try to give every child I teach my best.  However, all my efforts will NEVER take the place of parental support.  Does that make me a failure?  I take my job very seriously, and I would hate to know what I do every day is a failure.  Actually, I know I am not a failure to my students.  There may be serious flaws to the public education system, but as people that value education, look at the big picture.  If your home-schooling makes the world (that your child is going to live in when you are gone) a better place, then you are doing a good thing.  I believe that you MUST look at the big picture before making such a judgement on one small part of society.

    I don't have children yet, and I don't plan to  "home-school" them when I do.  I would expect the school to teach them a great deal of academic information and help them learn to think for themselves...  but I would make sure that I reinforced the skills that they were learning at home. I would also provide experiences for them extend their learning and thinking. Isn't that a parent's responsibility anyway?

  2. I don't believe so,  but then I am a success of the school system. Also, if you're worried about grammar, look to your own, and to your spelling. There are such things as capital letters and punctuation. They're spelt 'School' and 'Grammar', and ellipses have three dots, not two, like so: "..."

  3. Let's take a poll.  Are you in public school?  And did public school teach you to spell school as "scholl"?  If so, Houston, we have a problem.

  4. Judging by your question, I'd say yes!

  5. Yes. No Child Left Behind has changed the education system from teaching things that students need to know from teaching students how to pass standardized tests.

  6. yes


    Especially since NCLB came along

    Janis B is SO right!!

  8. Thumbs up to Katie.

    We pulled our son out of public school in the 8th grade when all the teachers said he did better with one on one teaching and in small groups.   His grammar and spelling were terrible and the teachers said he was performing at his potential and therefore did not qualify for any special assistance.

    He studied for most of the year on passing the EOG and if he did not pass, he was promoted to next grade regardless.  He figured that one out about the 3rd grade which was a 'gateway' in our state.  

    Some here say that parents should be more involved yet the school system tell us to leave it to them, the profession certified teachers....yet they are at a loss on how to help students who do not learn in classroom situations.

  9. If you are a public school student, then the system has badly failed. It failed to catch you spelling school as scholl, or grammar as grammer. Go back to school. If you are being homeschooled, someone needs to work with you on English, spelling and grammar.

  10. They were only teaching kids how to take tests long before no child left behind.  When my 17 y/o was in 4th grade I put her in public school and they were teaching the test thing then.  That was in '99 and they had been doing it for years before that from what I heard.  I really wish they would get their act together and actually teach kids.  You can tell just by reading things posted on this sight that a lot of people never learned proper grammar.



    You should have written "Public schools do their best with what they're given."  You wrote "with what their given".   As a school teacher I feel you should know this.

  11. I think it's too easy to blame it on the public schools. Parents need to be involved in their childrens lives and I think there is something to be said for the socialization that children gain through public schools.

    While I'm sure home schooled children can be easily socialized I know many who just don't fit in with their peers because they haven't had the same general experiences. Also, for the people I know, one in particular had an extremely hard time adjusting to the schedules that higher education require.

    Personally I believe that public schools are good and would be much more efficient if more people were involved in student's learning (parents and smaller classrooms).

  12. no it is perfet can yuu tell by thee way i ansewr this?

  13. I don't know if the school is the only one to blame.  Many parents don't get involved enough.  

    I will give you the benefit of doubt and assume misspelling school was a joke.

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