
Do you believe the "Nanny State" of Louisiana.....?

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had the same opportunities of health, education and welfare over the last 30 years that the rest of the United States had? If so, validate your reasons.




  1. I don't know about Health, education, and welfare, but they sure didn't get very good dams and levys...

  2. Having the distinct misfortune of being from Louisiana I think I can say this honestly.. no.. it has not had the same opportunitites.

    You really only have the opportunities that your environment can exploit (create wealth with) or attract investment in and being its basically nothing but swamp and woods with an incredible amount of poor people and a much smaller middle class. well.. theres just not enough in the system to create positive change.

    And there are certain givens you just need to have in order to see massive improvements - you know like a minor amount of safety.  When I lived in New Orleans, right before I left, thank God, there were two reports of gang rapes of young girls on there way to the bathroom in public school for C's sake! You need to be safe enough to go to school!

    Now having said that, *could* La, be a much better place? With much better opportunitites, yes, of course. But then you'd have to be willing to NOT elect criminal governors who laugh on national television about how they cheated the state out of massive amounts to cash - THEN gets elected AGAIN!

    You'd have to NOT be proud of a history of the 'crookedest' politicians in the union. You would have to refuse to tolerate such poverty and crime.

    None of this can be fixed by throwing $$ at the problem imho.. it needs a deeper commitment than that.. (sorry for the rambling.. still a little wacked out from surgery)

  3. Is there any state that hasn't had the same opportunities as the other states?  Not that I can see from where I'm standing. If the Louisianians feel they've been slighted by our country, they should elect their officials a little differently the next time round or impeach the ones they have and move forward.  Louisiana has such potential.

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