
Do you believe the "bigfoot" story will turn out to be a hoax/hiped story?

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the head guy seemed to be very well spoken and articulate..and seemed passionate and convincing..even though they arent ready to producew a on the fence ...hoping though sdomething is true about it..what do you think...thoughts appreciated.....




  1. Hasn't it already been proved to be a hoax?

    I don't think there is much about that story that makes it believable.

  2. I have my fingers crossed but I'm not optimistic.Past experience tells me it will turn out to be a hoax.

  3. The guys that found the body are cops. Apparently Keystone cops at best.

    Putting a body in a frost less freezer and then filling it with water to create a block of ice......duhhhh.

    So why they didn't call medical specialists to examine the body, and put it in a place where the body could be better preserved is beyond me.

    And when they call in that one Bigfoot "expert" that ran a hoax of his own, it does seem rather suspicious.

    It would appear these guys are out for fame and fortune.

    I'm willing to bet the tests on this will be inconclusive and the legend will continue.

  4. yes just think a human man can live to say average of 65 so this thing cant be that old a 100 years at most and we havent found one yet come on its all a plubisity stunt you watch they just trying to get attention and it looks like that thing eats pretty good whats he eating ? it would be cool but all these years and not a one till now  

  5. Bigfoot/Yeti are hardly a hoax, when there have been sightings in different continents over a long period of time.  There is no doubt they are very elusive and shy creatures wary of man.  And probably very intelligent too.

    I saw a Chinese documentary - in which a local man was familiar with the droppings left behind by the Yeti - because of how much they stank.  One would think, that even if these droppings were carefully studied, shouldn't they provide physical proof?  One only has to study the droppings of other native wildlife present, to get some idea of whether they are genuine or not?

  6. One guy is a cop who didn't take care of evidence.  The other is a car salesman.  Who trusts them?  So now three inconclusive DNA tests, that is really interesting.  

    Is the body in the same undisclosed location at the Vice president?

  7. Hoax.

    I don't think bigfoot is a hoax, but many stories are.

  8. I thought they proved it was a hoax yesterday. I think the DNA proved it to be opossum hair.  

  9. No body, no evidence and no reasons for NOT showing either. I don't see it being anything but a hoax. Three DNA samples, one human, one opossum and one blank. I hope people remember this too, because these people are always trying to con people.

    The reason why me and others are so quick to shout "HOAX!", is because we've seen and heard it to many times before. We aren't dismissive of these stores to just upset people. It's because we hate seeing people get tricked. I used to believe all this stuff until I started to see little evidence but a lot of money making

  10. One of those guys has already been exposed for a previous "bigfoot corpse" hoax.  As far as I am concerned, his credibility is zero.

    There are pictures on an ice chest with what looks like a big, hairy ape thing in it.  If that's real, then the "discoverers" should provide it for DNA testing.

  11. Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization says it's a hoax.  I was just listening to Coast to Coast which had a guest (Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, )who wrote a book on Bigfoot (Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science (it's pro-bigfoot)) and he said there is no reason to believe the Georgia thing is real and every reason to believe it's not.  I will go with my gut and these more knowledgeable experts.

  12. I may be wrong, but I think it is a hoax. The picture I saw looked like a halloween suit with fake halloween guts.  It did not appear to have any body mass. It also looked too much like the movie production creatures.

    I do think it is possible for a creature labeled Big Foot to exist but if so it is just an undiscovered primate. Not long ago the Panda bears were thought to be just legends.  I am skeptical about this because they have not called in any real scientists on this and refuse to produce the actual body.

  13. Well, let's put it this way. There is nothing about this story which would suggest that it is not a hoax. It certainly passes the "duck test" (if it looks like a duck, etc.) for a hoax. There's more on this in the news article below. I thought it was hilarious that the hunters are trying to say that the opossum DNA is because the Bigfoot recently ate an opossum. Your latest meal does not change the DNA in your cells. :)  So where's the Bigfoot DNA? Nowhere it seems.

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