
Do you believe the saying "deaths come in threes?

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It seems over the years that saying has come true more than once. Now Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes died within close proximity...whos next?




  1. Yes. Everyone that dies in my family its always been in threes. Paul Newman is next, they say he only has a couple of days left to live.

  2. It has always fit when I knew of someone passing; the other two would come within the week.

    Well it could have started with Estelle Getty (from The Golden Girls)

  3. yes first my brother pass away then my mother then my little dogs.

    it not fair

  4. Eh, maybe not as true as the "Every death equals a life". Yeah, I'm not even sure if that is a saying, more like my personal opinion but it's necessary there must be death to help balance the life.

    I'm clueless on who's next, but I could make a few guesses as to who I'd like to see go.

  5. I do believe that.  Unfortunately it frequently happens that way.  I don't even want to guess who might be next.  

  6. Not really. Because people are dying all the time. People just put it together as some kind of thing. Maybe when celebrities die closely like that people think it means something.

  7. So tell me who knows who the FIRST death was? Is it written somewhere? I think not!!!!

  8. Third was Estelle Getty from "Golden Girls'’ or Tim Russert. R.I.P.Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes. I'll always remember them. always.

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