
Do you believe the september 11 is real?

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many people i have asked said they do not believe their government. one of many reasons being they deceive.

yet when the september 11 happened it affected people in a big way, which it was purposely supposed to.

iff you research: 'the operation false flag' and then research 'tim osman' you will find that this is a man that has been working with and for the U.S. government.

this man as a close ally with the U.S. government was sent on a mission to go undercover as a man called osama binladen to frame muslims for all terrorist attacks.

further proof:




  1. **I believe September 11 was real.**

  2. This is a question only the U.S government and Osama Bin Laden can answer. The real question is, did the Taliban allow Al Qaeda to carry out this attack when they would have known the United States would invade after such an attack? I dont think so. As an Australian I think its bit of a joke that the U.S. forces cant find one old man in a cave. What if you get hit by a nuclear divise? what will you do then. If you dont find him soon you know he will come knocking on your door again.

  3. I may not be from America, but I think that it is stupid to think that a country's own government would intentionally cause one of the most tragic events to happen in the history of that country.

    I'm sure there were some people in the U.S. government that lost loved ones in 9/11. When I visited NYC, I went to where the twin towers used to be and saw the memorial. I think it happened.

  4. Based on history, 9/11 is technically real. Yes we made Binladen but turn his back on us. Yes the government have something to do on what happen. Yes the government know about the immenent threat but chose not to fully face the facts. Why all those things happen? That is what define government and politics.

  5. I want to move forward and deal with what's in front of us. What's in the windshield is scarier than what's in the rear view mirror.

  6. What happened on September 11th, 2001 was obviously planned months ahead.  Many facts point to the fact that the government, and George Bush himself was responsible for the events that occurred.  There's no way a steel concrete reinforced building that tall could have fallen from just a plane crash.  To those buildings a plane was like what a tree branch  is to a house.  It will most certainly make tons of damage but not cause the whole building to collapse perfectly on itself.  

    But we Americans seem to just accept that there are many things we don't know about our own government and just deal with the lies that are spoken to us daily.  

    I believe that September 11th was fake.

  7. It 'really' happened! They didn't think that the buildings would go down as they did. This happened because of the way that they were constructed. There have been a lot of things that have happened over the years, and America has swept it under the carpet. It stinks that they had to drag us into their war!

    Meaning: The Iraq's have been fighting stupidly for years, and they had to drag America in.

  8. I think 911 is a true fact that has made many nations in this world shocked and frightened. Do you know something about Osma bin Larden? He was described as an university graduate from University of Jeddah with a degree in Civil Engineering. His father owns the biggest construction company in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and won the biggest contracts from the king with the biggest projects in Mecca (the holy city of Saudi Arabia), and many respectful large cities in SA. bin Larden owns a bank, a trading company, and a construction company. He once offended the King of SA and his family members tried to keep away from him as if a family feud. He only met his brother once and then fled to Sudan. During the recession of Sudan, he contributed tens of million US dollars for buying wheat for the starving Sudan citizens. After the US authority discovered Larden's good and kind deed, they began to persuade the Sudan authority to kick bin Larden out. Larden was eventually went to Afghanistan to build a factory for those young soldiers once help Afghanistan to fight the Russian soldiers. He trained those young soldiers became Jihad (worrier in Arabic) and probably started the so called terrorists training camp.

    I think you can get many facts about 911 from the Internet in terms of the recorded videos of the blasting scenes, witness recorded video, and much about the truth of 911. Many commentators described with analytical words saying that Bush's administration caused the 911. The following website show more detailed facts about the Iraq war. I think you certainly believe 911 is true after you visit the website.

  9. idk

  10. WTF???

    the way that you worded that was ALLLLLL wrong! the way your saying it is: the media made it up or some ****.

    coarse it happened! the government had something to do with it but September 11 did happen!

  11. Ah, yes because youtube is such a relaible souce. I can point to a video posted by an idiot known as "truthtrekker" He's a paranoid scitzo and he doesn't check his info or he's doesn't expect you to. I'm betting your a truther. I have had my fair share of getting blocked by them on youtube when I point out the flaws in there videos or get into a comment argument with and they can't win. They don't like dealing with educated opposition it seems. Maybe you ought to see what the other side of the argument has to say. Post this on the Jref forum and watch it get destroyed. But I'm betting it's already been dealt with. I'm a sceptic/debunker. I have seen almost everything the ct world has to offer. You do know that there's a group of people that think that the planes were holograms beamed from military sattelites? Project "blue beam" I think "they" call it. But when it comes to that there are so many logistics questions when people say it was an inside job that they can't get a valid defense for. A tactic of truthers is to also always ask questions. They could ask 2,000 questions and if 1 can't be explained they disregard the 1,999 you could answer.  "Always ask questions, when you get answers diregard them and when asked questions never answer them"- truther motto.

    Here's "truthtrekker's video. He's not a good fact checker as he stole it from a article called "who owns you":

    It's a load of c**p and if you see his channel description you know why I call him a paranoid sctitzo. Seriously, check the things he points out (the actual things) and you will see how they twisted them.

  12. Yeah.  9/11 really happened.  Do you believe the Iraq war is real or just a fabrication of the government?

  13. hmmmm. This is somthing I can see being tru. Coarse I would need more then stuff off a computer to believe it but if it was a lie, false flag) then it's a smart and good one. Really made me think.

    I think that anyone that acts like they know anything is just ignorant except for select people that are not on this site and i think the answers before mine are stupid but

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