
Do you believe the statistics about world pollution?

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Do you believe that you are one more germ to the Earth? Do you believe that you can change, or are you too goddamn comfortable/dependant with what pollutes?




  1. we are microbes on Gaias skin

    and the polution statistics only cover what is known

    much polution goes unrecorded

    the truth is far worse than we are led to believe

  2. Yes, I believe in the statistics about world Pollution. Its my observation that every coming generation has tendency as well as capacity to exploit more resources due to technological advancements.

    Well, we are not a germ on the earth? Because God hasn't created us for that purpose, but somehow, our some activities are leading towards pollution. If you think that on one side we are making too much pollution, than also think about the other side as we are the managers too. Change is always slow its not a one day process. things u will do today will give fruit to ur next generation.

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