
Do you believe there are aliens? ?

by Guest56051  |  earlier

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i am torn. i am watching 10 close encounters and right now it is the light over pheonix. idk, what do you think and why?




  1. Hmm, I am not an expert....but i dont think so because it doesn't say that in the bible .....Good question :)

  2. To find out the truth read a book called "the case for the ufos" THE VARO EDITION" the book in its entirety is on the internet. Its by Jessop. who is now dead from mysterious circumstances. The book is seemingly edited by 3 aliens. Thats why the VARO EDITION. Jessopp is an astronomer who through research has started putting recorded events through history into perspective. All events occur BEFORE the wright brothers were born. So there is no blaming aircraft. these are newspaper and police reports that can only conclude one thing!!!!!! He never tries to sell you on the idea. He just gives the evidence and lets you make your own case. Caution; it will change your perception of existence. I believe.

  3. I believe there are UFO's and Aliens. One day they will become known to us! !

  4. Yes, I believe in u.f.o s and Extraterrestrial life forms.Considering how many Galaxies there are 100 billion (1011) galaxies in the observable universe.Most galaxies are 1,000 to 100,000 parsecs in diameter and are usually separated by distances on the order of millions of parsecs (or megaparsecs). It would seem unreasonable to not have an open mind to this possibility.Galaxies:

    After this consider all the crop circles,horrific cattle mutilations which the FBI never did find out who or what was responsible for, and of course millions of UFO eyewitnesses.Oh yes and lets not forget Area 51 why so much research if there's nothing to find out?

  5. Shure, there is alot of things that scientist haven't figured out right? I think that aliens are on of them! After all, there's trillions of different planets for the posssibility of them existing, makes sence huh?

  6. aliens and ufos are real i see them sometimes and i have seen a real one in mexico

  7. yup

  8. It seems increasingly probable, considering how many extra-solar planets have been found (and continue to be found) by astromers. There are even planets around binary stars.

  9. Even if the chances are a billion to one that life extraterrestrial exists out there, there are at least billion billion planets in the galaxy - that means life could exist on a billion planets.  So yes, there is a high probability that aliens exist.  Are they visiting Earth?  I doubt it.  There is not once single scrap of hard evidence, and the distances are to vast.

  10. of course there are aliens. do you really believe we're the only ones in the universe. there might be other living things in space that are out of our reach.

    my dad took a picture on a sunny day at countryside. The sky is clear, his camera is clean and uhmm expensive...and there was this thing far away with an antenna. Remember it's countryside and it's super quiet and 6 am in the morning.

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