
Do you believe there are terrorists?

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Tell me....Do you believe there are terrorists in the US, UK, Middle East, anywhere?




  1. yes yes yes

  2. Yes- terrorists are both USA born and foreign born.  Terrorists are a group of people or a single person that want to bring fear and terror to another group of people though the use of violence and intimidation.

    Example of terrorists in the U.S.

    KKK, Gangs (bloods, crips, Mexican mafia, etc.) Aryan Nation, kids involved in school shootings.

  3. U S yes U K yes Middle east no never how can you even think that way...let me rephrase that shorten it if you well How can you think

  4. Yes, in all those places plus Germany, France, Spain, and elsewhere.

    You do not?

  5. Yes. People who use violence, or the threat of violence, to instill terror or day-to-day fear are "Terrorists." I am wary about walking in crowded, or pedestrian places, so I'd say that it's working.

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