
Do you believe there could be legitimate reasons to have abortions? What reasons? Or is it NO excuse & cruel?

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I'm not pregnant. I'm an adult. Just curious of what you think. Most people are against abortion, but others feel like being raped or being sexually abused, incest, contracting an STD, poverty & other circumstances are legit to have an abortion. & I've known people who had their pregnancies aborted just because they broke up with their boyfriend. & others say, "Well, if the pregnancy was unplanned, & I'm not ready for kids, it's not worth the pain to go through & suffer for 9 mos., & I'm gonna give it up for foster care or adoption.

Other people argue that there is no excuse for abortion at all. & it's cruel & murder because an innocent child's possible chance of life was terminated because of self-centered parents. If a pregnancy is unplanned, isn't it worth the 9 mos. to go through the pain & suffering, even if you are unable to or don't want to take care of or raise the child?

I hate hearing about innocent unborn babies, who never even got the chance to live going to waste. It's not fair.

How do you feel?




  1. I feel that if there is a legitimate reason for not wanting the baby then it is the woman's choice.

    Rape and Incest, ANY kind of sexual abuse and especially if the child is younger then 16.  Any child 16 and over can give the baby up.

    It's sad that people lay down knowing what the outcome could be, and choose to abort just because they didn't want to get pregnant.

    Don't have s*x or use all precautions you can.  

    If you are a child or were raped that is another thing, you did not ask for it.

  2. You know, abortion kind of breaks my heart, but I am pro-choice.  Just because I'm not a fan of it doesn't mean that other people should have the same opinion.  Laws should not be made based upon opinions!  

  3. ok... i think abortion is an excuse for lots of people... i was RAPED by my first cousin when i was 15 and i got pregnant... i really didnt want the baby to be honest but i was always pro choice... and i just couldnt kill an innocent baby... my baby. so i went through the pregnancy, and i had my baby. i gave birth to him when i was 24 and 1/2 weeks pregnant... he WAS still considered a fetus... my intentions in the beginning was to give him up for adoption but when i looked at that sweet little face.... my heart melted. he was MY baby. i couldnt give him up. so for all of those women who think abortion is ok for this... that... or the other reason i think its just an excuse especially when u have never been in that kind of situation. i know some women arent as strong as i am... but i gave birth to my son and he is now my WORLD.

  4. My body...My choice.

    There is no room for you and your opinion.

    End of story.  

  5. My ex friend had an abortion at 24 weeks (yes you can have abortions at 24 weeks in michigan. Google it) because her boyfriend was cheating on her & Got someone else pregnant.... She already knew she was going to have a boy and could feel the kid move in her stomach. She only had the abortion to get revenge on her boyfriend. A year or so later she got preggo again and had an abortion with that kid too... Now that is cruel. I am pro-choice but she took it too far  


    It was a very hard decision, because we wanted a baby so bad, but in the end it was either the baby or both of us. I even contemplated letting it take both of us.

    If I got pregnant now? I would have an abortion (99% sure). There is a very slim chance of having a live birth, but my chance of dying from either another molar pregnancy or from delivery (as I almost did with my daughter) is very high.

    If I were not a mother I would take that chance, but as a mother I just can't risk my kids being motherless. But I couldn't do it to avoid parenting. I doubt I could do it in a case of rape, I do support the morning after pill though.

  7. I feel like it's each woman's own personal decision, and whether I agree with it or not, it's not my job to make their decisions, and it is certainly NOT my place, nor anyone else's to judge them. Live your own life and let others live theirs.

  8. I'm wondering why the abortion question is in the adoption category.

  9. Funny, you would think that adoption would seem like the perfect solution, right?

    But then, since when are human beings "gifts" to be passed around like toasters?

    Just because some strangers might want a kid, means that a pregnant girl is obligated to carry a child to term and give her baby to them?  

    I don't think so.

    Abortion should be every woman's own choice.

    If we lose that, what's next, our right to vote?  

    Perhaps we should revert completely back to the dark ages before everybody's happy?

  10. i understand your perspective for putting this in the adoption catagory-but abortion and adoption are not in the same catagory.

    i dont mean to be a jerk-but i am very uncomfortable with the constant 'hand in hand' mentality of this. one has nothing to do with the other.

    only my opinion though. many seem to be comfortable with this so to them i say answer away.

  11. I don't think it should ever be any woman's "choice" to end any other life but her own. Since she's not dying from the procedure, but a baby is, I feel abortion is wrong.

    The only exception is when the mother's life is REALLY at risk. If you have to chose between one life and another, well you have to chose, don't you. .And a pregnancy that is endangering the mother's life would be at serious risk of the child dying anyway

    I think that's the only time abortion is "justified" But legally, I'm a bit hesitant to deny a rape victim the option.  But in reality, very few rape victims (who become pregnant) chose abortion anyway.

    Other than that, they should be illegal.

    If it's the WOMAN dying from the procedure, she can say it's "her body"  otherwise, it's not her body. the baby has it's own heart, brain, legs, arms, even blood type (most of the time).  

    LIlly:  the right to vote has NOTHING to do with the right to end a life that is not YOURs. It should NEVER be a right to end someone else's life, only your OWN life.  

    People here scream and holler about a corrupt industry that supposedly tears babies from their mother's arms. What about a corrupt industry that LIES to scared vulnerable women. Hmmm.. doesn't sound so different when you put it that way, huh? It's just that the "corrupt adoption agencies" Tell a scared, vulnerable pregnant girl/woman "You're being unselfish, and giving your child a better life"  The corrupt abortion industry (which is just as profit oriented if not more) tells the lie "It's just a blob of tissue.. it doesn't matter.. You can move on with your life like nothing happened." A lie.. every word of it, as MOST women who have had abortions will tell you.

    Most abortion (if not to save mother's life or because of rape) is pure selfishness, period. No way around it. Selfishness to a degree that the most corrupt, entitled, greedy PAP could never DREAM of reaching.  "Oh.. I have the right to s***w around when I am not ready to become a mother. And I shouldn't have to face the consequenses of my actions, so I'm going to let someone else bear the brunt of my consequenses."  I don't think there's a much more selfish action period.

  12. For me im against abortion however i never say anything to those that abort aq child Its their choice and they are going to live with it . Also there are many reasons to have a abortion and the one aborting only can be the one to make that choice. My reason i dont say anything to the one aborting is because it had to be a difficult decition and i dont want to make it any harder on her , I dont know all whats happened and even though i dont agree its not my place to judge her . And when i say i dont say anything to them this means about the abortion i still talk to people i just keep my thoughts on this matter to my self

  13. i think that if a girl/woman was/is a victim of rape or incest that it might be more emotionally and mentally better to have an abortion. i think that while being pregnant it would be a daily reminder of that horrible expereince even though the product (the newly conceived child) is innocent.

    now, to do it because your man broke up with you or it is unplanned is a horrible thing to do! you knew the consequenses so take care of your resposibilty before you ever had s*x, everyone does. that is why they sell condoms with out a prescrition.

    i do however think that it all a personal choice. (i myself have never had an abortion and never plan on it unless for medical reasons like you stated, it would be mindless to leave my 3 other children without a mother in hopes for a pregnancy that could take away my life.) but that girl/woman would have to live with it for the rest of her life and before someone else reading this goes ahead with those plans just think, how long do you think it will take you to "forget" about your child that you esentially murdered?

  14. This is such a hard question. The reason I say that, being I am absolutely against abortion. I don't think it is fair that girls who have abortions because they acted irresponsibly and now don't want deal with the consequences, if these girls are not ready to have a child, financially or otherwise, then they should not be having unprotected s*x. But I can't say I would blame someone who had been raped or sexually abused for considering it. If I was in that position I think I might even consider it, but I can't say because I have never been put in that position. I think that would be the ONLY valid excuses. But, I am also not in a place to judge anyone. I can only live my life by what I believe. I feel strongly about not pushing my beliefs on others who may not feel the same. Everyone has a choice and whether one individual may feel that choice is wrong, it is still their choice and no one has the right to judge anyone else. I feel like I may be contradicting myself but I hope what I am trying to say comes across correctly....


    L@r@ after reading your answer I just wanted to let you know that my heart goes out to you....I couldn't even imagine what you went through... God Bless...

  15. Any reason is legitimate. It is no one's business but the woman who is making the choice.    

  16. I believe that the choice of whether or not to abort is up to the pregnant woman, the one who will have to live with the consequences of her action and only she can decide for herself what reason is compelling enough to terminate her pregnancy.  

    I will be more impressed by the people who are anti-choice when there are no more executions conducted, and all children and women have enough money to meet their needs, health care is provided for all children and the elderly and there are no more children in foster care.  It seems that the only lives the "pro-lifers" are concerned about is the unborn.  

    One hates to sound like a cynic all the time, but it makes me pause when I hear about the pro-lifers touting adoption.  Is it a coincidence that so many adoption agencies and homes are religiously based?  Putting the two together is a sure-fire moneymaker, isn't  it?

  17. I am against abortion as birth control. The way I see it is, when you lie down you know the consequences! Even if you do use birth control, it's still a risk. Nothing is 100% except for abstinence. However, as you stated above, I have heard of people getting abortions due to rape or other major reasons, such as the baby is too at risk. That is a lot easier to understand. I don't judge those that have abortions... I have friends that have had them, it's still a free choice. This is just simply how I feel. I could and would never do it. Adoption is a much better option for those that want an abortion.  

  18. I believe in an abortion if and only if:

    The pregnancy puts the moms or baby's life in danger

    The baby has or will have a malady in which they will not survive birth or will not live more that a few days. (like when the baby is born with no brain....they baby is absolutely going to die, so the mom should be able to choose to abort or carry to term.)

    In cases of rape there should be a choice- I KNOW it's not the baby's fault that they are growing inside the woman that was raped, BUT the woman didn't ask to have s*x, didn't ask for a pregnancy, and might not be mentally capable to carry the child.

  19. I'm a big fan of abortion. But most people simply support reproductive rights, though they personally may not want an abortion and consider each one sad.

    I don't worry about about a woman's reason for abortion. If she becomes pregnant and does not want to have a baby, she should get an abortion unless she personally feels it's not a sound choice.  

  20. I'm still not entirely clear on why this is being asked on the adoption forum, but since it is, I'll answer.

    The abortion issue for me is very complicated.  I don't think it's as simple as: My body, my choice.  Or: Abortion is murder.  

    I'm not quite sure if I should classify myself as pro-choice with restrictions or pro-life with exceptions.  But to break down my position:

    Abortion is necessary when it involves the life/health of the mother.  

    Abortion past the point of viability should be seriously restricted.  We recently had discussions on this forum about the bonding that happens between mother and child in-utero.  Well, in order for a bond to happen that takes two human beings, doesn't it?  A newborn immediately recognizes the smell, sound and touch of the mother. That wasn't magically imprinted in the few hours of labor, or the few seconds after delivery.  Once the ability to feel emotions, learn and imprint happens, the definition of a human being should apply.  

    I do believe in better access and education for birth control, including the morning after pill, IUDs and other measures to prevent conception and implantation.  

    I do not like abortion as a form of birth control and I absolutely do not support abortion for s*x selection.  

    But I do recognize there are compelling reasons for someone to have an abortion.  I would be willing to compromise to allow first trimester abortions if abortions past the point of viability are restricted.

    So, that's my "compromise".  It doesn't satisfy either side fully, but there it is.

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