
Do you believe there is a connection between ones family situation and their belifes of men and women?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry dsds, beliefs is not a 1st grade spelling word. Just one I always misspell.




  1. I very definitely believe that it influenced my views.  I was raised as the only daughter...but there was never any discussion of gender, or what I could or couldn't do, as a 'girl'.  Consequently, I have gone through my life without thinking of myself in terms of my gender, and it has served me incredibly well.  And amazingly, when you don't present yourself as a 'gender', people don't treat you as one....would be a great lesson, I think, for young girls today.

  2. What is "belifes"?

    To answer your question (unlike you did mine when you busted my bubble), it depends on the individual and how strong their will is in their "beliefs", some cases it could be as far how the person was raised or what kind of environment they were exposed to.

    There are just too many factors that could affect a persons "belief" and determine if it is connected with their family situation or not.

  3. Yes. Family is where we begin to be socialized. On the other hand though, most people grow up and some reject their family dynamic all together.

  4. The experiences a person has while growing up will be categorically placed as the person learns about stereotypical roles and defining different personalities.

  5. Oh yes.... if one is "traditional roles" and the other is "Femnazi", it just isn't going to work out... unless you like power struggles.

    Gotta be like minded.

    Ya hate me yet?!?  LOL

  6. Men are particularly inept at understanding roles.

    Men like dsds, for example are so lost and ill educated they must anonymously attack women who can spell and call them names like a child.

    Who raised some of these men? Gosh golly gee, they're so angry. Maybe it's because they are alone. Some woman trumped them and beat them at every game they ever played so they have to lie and attack women on the women's' forum. Go play around in the political forum guys.

  7. yes/

  8. Yes.  We learn our values from our family situation and this has an impact on our minds, morality and thinking.  We decide from these early experiences which path we want to follow.  To go along with the way laid out by our forbearers or stuff them and start afresh.

    Get the picture.

  9. OF COURSE!!

  10. yes. i believe that certainly can influence ones beliefs about those things.

  11. I think so. My parents had quite traditional roles in that my dad was the breadwinner and my mum was a SAHM, but she's also a very confident person and in many ways the head of the household. She showed me that being traditional doesn't stop you being a strong woman. Having both a male and a female role model probably helped to form my belief in gender equality.

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