
Do you believe there is after life when we leave here or do we just move on to nowhere?

by Guest32681  |  earlier

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Do you believe there is after life when we leave here or do we just move on to nowhere?




  1. ok, now your asking for belief, which really doesnt fall under the category of science. So let me point out, I have no scientific basis for any of these opinions, and some think they are irrational or illogical, but thats what differentiates science and religion.

    Yes, I believe that God is real and that there is an afterlife, and that Jesus died on the cross so that we could get there.

    To get there, we have to repent, ask for fogiveness and stop sinning. Sin is an interesting concept in itself, even the nicest most kind hearted people tend to sin on a regular basis if they do not know the nature of biblically defined sin. So we are all sinners, and we will all go to h**l unless we clear our conscience with Jesus.

    Ok, its pretty typical Christian stuff, which I would never bring up in a scientific discussion. However, you asked for my beliefs and here they are.

  2. We move on to the morgue to be either cremated or buried.  That's it.   Like when before we were born.  No consciousness, no life.

  3. Yes I believe there's an afterlife, its either to heaven or h**l according to the Bible.





  4. Yes, there is an after life. While we do not know much about what happens to us once we pass their is enough evidence to say that their is an after life.

  5. Yes.  Allow me to explain.  

    We all have electricity in our bodies.  The electrical current is our sole.  If you study science, matter of any kind does not appear or dissipate.  Matter is transfered from one state to another.

    So, when we died, our sole is transferred to what we call the heavens or released.  Whether we still have thoughts, etc., that's up for the unknown.  

    This energy can explain ghosts, out of body experience, etc.  I do believe that we can learn to control this energy even without a body.  However, the sole must be pure for good intentions or goes the h**l for bad ones.

    Most people can't learn to control this energy and they are transferred to other living things.

  6. If we don't have an afterlife,then what was the Universe created for.




              I wish I had a penny for every time this has been asked.  Such a simple question deserves a simple answer.  It seems that life is administered in such an unfair way so that some of us cruise along with no great problems while others ride the roller coaster of life.

              Why does this happen and why is there such diversity between us in the way that we live?  I don’t have all the answers.  More importantly, neither does anyone else, although some would like us to think that they do on account of their beliefs.  It is my opinion that if we believe in something with honesty and integrity, a truth will become manifest.

                I would like to bring a truth, one that we all share, into your conscious awareness.  This is the illusion of death.  What is death?  I’m serious - what is death?  It doesn’t exist.  It never has and it never will.  However, seeing as we witness people “dying” every minute of every day, what else are we to think?  Please let me prove my point and, in the process, show how you cannot die.

              Exactly, what has happened when a person seems to have died? Animation ceases and there is just an eerie stillness.  The person is “different” somehow, but what has really happened?  To find this out, we must look to biophysics and science and break down our bodies to the smallest component.  

              We’ve heard how scientists spent many years trying to split the atom.  That was the uranium atom. The variables that dictate the type of atom depend on the nucleus, neutrons, protons and electrons.   For the purpose of this article, I refer to the atom that makes us what we are.  It cannot be destroyed and is the smallest component that constitutes our physical make up.                                                                                                                                                                                                                

              From conception, our bodies are formulated by the addition of atoms.  At the embryonic stage, they are fed to us by our mother via her biological processes, and as we grow after birth, atoms help build our bodies from the sustenance provided by our planet.  The Earth (Universe) has provided every atom that constitutes our bodies.

              Our planet, including us, is made up from nothing else but the atom.  So why does everything look different?  Please bear with me while I try to describe the basics of the composition of things.  Note that I didn’t say “life”.  Something else has to happen before life comes into being and I ask that you give logic priority over any conditioning you may have had to endure over the course of your lives.

              At the risk of entering into an emotive wrangling over the “creation” of things, let’s assume that an intelligence of some sort has been responsible for putting things together, including the creation of the atom.  

              I am aware of the Darwin theory whereby evolution is held responsible for where we are today.  There are also the Creationists who think that an almighty intelligence is the answer to everything. Then we have the Interventionists who believe that extra terrestrial forces have created things the way they are.  

              It doesn’t end here, except for me to say that “something” must have put things into place for them to happen the way they have, and why we see ourselves as we are today.  Suffice for me to say that life does have its origins and leave it at that.

      What I need to discuss is how we perceive ourselves and ask who we really are. It is important at this juncture for us to agree that our mind and body are not the same, although the two can blend for the purpose of physical existence, courtesy of our brain.

              This is where I must bring in the elements, cells and molecules that constitute the “intelligent” make up of our bodies that make us what we are as human beings.  This can only be done once we have ascertained how our feeling presence (our mind and spirit) can converge into this state of “life” as we know it.  

              I ask you to look at yourself and ask the question: can we exist without the physical body?  If so, how?  Is the all-feeling, all-touching, tangible world of physicality all there is?  So we must come back to the world of science and biophysics to supply us with some of the answers.

              When you look at the pictures exuding from your television or listen to the sound on your radio, do you ever question their origin?  I would say not.  Yet neither of these phenomena is of the physical world.  Simply, they are bursts of energies or frequencies that have their own resonance (or level of vibrations).  In other words - dimensions.

              Energy is the source of all levels of dimensions and is nothing less than a state of consciousness.  I will try to explain this.  When you’re sat in your armchair, just watching the world go by and daydreaming, your thoughts (which are real and living bursts of energy) are vibrating at a different level to that of your physical body.  Therefore they exist in different dimensions, even though you are aware of both states.  That’s how clever and versatile you are, by the way, even though you’re not physically conscious of it.

              Now try to imagine that there are countless dimensions or levels of existence.   Don’t worry if you can’t.  However, your consciousness (a part of which you are physically aware) must exist, and has probably done so before your present physical state.  

              If you find this hard to accept, ask yourself - did you only begin to exist the day you were born or conceived?  How can that be possible?  One day, technology will give us the answers.  In the meantime, here are some facts that are hard to ignore.

              Have you ever wondered what happens when you are dreaming?  Obviously, you are experiencing something, but usually we dismiss such a thing as a figment of the imagination. However, even our imagination has to have its origin from somewhere.  This all leads up to the fact that this is a state of consciousness, or one of the many different levels of vibrations.

              Please allow me to recap so far:  Consciousness is a state of being and can exist at varying levels (or dimensions).  You can physically experience some of these dimensions in the way of your thoughts, your dreams, and your imagination -- even your emotions.  All these phenomena resonate at different levels of frequencies.  The transmission of radio and TV, radar and sonar, ultra violet and infrared, your cell phones etc., all have their own dimensions in which they can manifest.                                                                                                                        

              No one will argue that these phenomena exist because we witness and experience them in the here-and-now physical state.   There are many phenomena that are accepted as normal because they fit into our everyday lives.  So why be so surprised when I say that your thoughts also have their own frequency?


               It must begin to appear strange when I describe the atomic structure of your body as being “indestructible” - which it is.  What is “destructible” is the molecular make up, and this is the key to my statement that you cannot die.

              It is not the point of this article to stress where and how you exist before you came into this present life, but to show you that there is no such thing as death.  There is only change.  The physical body is the host that will accommodate you whilst experiencing Earthly life.  Now we will come back to the atom and its make up.                                  

              Remember those cells and molecules I mentioned earlier?  There are supposedly four elements responsible for the make up of physical matter.  These are earth, air, fire and water. An atom is the smallest part of an element that has the characteristics of that element.

              The molecule is the smallest part of a compound (combination of atoms) and forms the building blocks for all life.  The element cannot be broken down into a simpler form and is literally nothing more than a vibration of energy.

              Once a cellular structure has been formed, the endless formulation of molecular building blocks moulds these cells into different things.  This is how we are made into human beings and plants are made into plants.

              Everything has its own molecular, mathematical make up and the codes that are responsible are transmitted via the electromagnetic and magneto-electric fields or life force.  These are the programmes responsible for our make up.  

              The difference with plants and animals (especially humans) is that somewhere along the line, “life” is introduced, whereby this molecular make up can animate by its own volition.  As human beings we can go one step further by virtue of our self-awareness and free will.  We are the only species that has this ability.

               We’ve all heard about DNA.  This is a code of life and we have our own individual DNA.  This is a structured and disciplined blueprint that dictates how our bodies grow by virtue of the molecular make up that has been “programmed” specifically for each individual.

              I must mention the source of all things, not to analyse it, but to accept it for what it is, because without it we would not exist.  Allow me to discuss the spiritual aspects of our being some time and describe how this “programming” comes into effect and is responsible for our existence, of which physical life is just a very small part.

              As we grow, mother Earth supplies us with those atoms.  However, these atoms are replaced quite regularly.  In fact you are not the same person you were a year or so ago.  Our cells are replaced quite frequently (like for like, regardless of condition), some quicker than others, depending on which organs are involved.  The only draw back is that as our cells are eliminated and replaced, the process of supply slows down whilst the elimination process increases.

              There comes a time when the molecular structure that holds our cells together can no longer sustain the pattern of “programming” that our DNA has mapped out for us.  This means that our human form can no longer house us in this physical environment.  The ageing process, illness or accident (or other) could cause this.

              As this structure breaks down, each cell reverts back to its elemental state and the atoms that compose these cells return to mother Earth.  Within that process of break-down, the real us (our consciousness) leaves this changing formula, no longer requiring the body that has housed us whilst experiencing the physical world.


              Every single atom that has composed our bodies over the period of our lives can be accounted for.  Atoms (via the cellular structure) are replaced and returned to the Earth in proportionate amounts so as to sustain our “life”.  Look at the dust content in our homes which is mostly composed of dead skin and you will see my point.

              At the latter stages, whereby more cells break down to the atom state, there comes a time when the body no longer functions as a biological unit.  Cellular breakdown then becomes more rapid and each atom eventually returns to the Earth (ashes to ashes - dust to dust).  Only change has occurred here - nothing has died.  Our consciousness moves on, as it was introduced at the conception of our physical life.  

              Where we have come from and where we are going is food for thought.  In the meantime, look forward to what is waiting for you as you climb the “ladder of progress”, because this is your destiny.  Life is eternal.

              To those who have lost friends and loved ones, I say don’t despair because the unity of minds you have shared still exists.  Their only sorrow is to see how you have interpreted their “departure” as something that is finite.

                A quotation from Arthur C. Clarke always comes to mind when he referred to Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovski, the Russian Pioneer in rocket and space science, who said:  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœThe Earth is the cradle of the mind, but you cannot stay in the cradle for ever.”


  7. AJ, yes you will know... when you die. And those who have seen ghosts .....know... And those who believe in God know

  8. Well, since it cannot be proven either way (Or we wouldnt have so many science vs religion debates), it's hard to answer this.

    However, personally i find the idea of an afterlife rather improbable. If everyone who dies either goes to heaven or h**l for example, wouldn't it fill up pretty quickly? And i believe if there IS an afterlife, we'd be pretty arrogant as a species to believe we'll be the only ones going there. Making my first statement carry more weight. I won't straight up say i disbelieve any religion or scientific theory because i try to keep an open mind. That's the major downfall of humanity thus far, people are unable to do so on most topics.

  9. - There is no death, only a change of worlds.

  10. there is an after life....death is only going home, we never die, only our bodies die,.. our bodies are like cars with all the parts to drive it...and our souls are the drivers...our car breaks down, then we move onto another one....~~~~~~

  11. no one will ever really know.

  12. I believe in something, what?  i have no idea.  The point is, whether it's better or worse, nothing will be the same as our life on earth, so cherish every moment as if it's your last.

  13. I choose to believe in an afterlife with some sort of surviving consciousness. However, from a science perspective you have to survive (true you might survive as plant fertilizer, worm food, a star, or some other form of unconscious matter or energy).


  14. I don't know.There's only one way to solve that mystery and I'm in no hurry.

  15. I believe we move on to the otherside where our loved ones will be, we can come back and check on family and friends.

  16. I believe in an afterlife.  I have had friends and relatives who had visions before they died and I believe they were not hallucinating.  Just my opinion.

  17. heaven and h**l mean just about as much as the easter bunny and santa claus.

  18. yes, there is. Unfortunatley we usually have to experience it before we belive it. I believed before but last year I almost died,was on the edge and realised how ok that was. There is alot left to experience, its not all here.

  19. calm down, stanley, calm down! lol

    i don't believe in an afterlife. i think we just die, like falling asleep and then we are never conscious again. as for the electricity in our bodies (neuron signals, etc), it just ceases to be produced anymore. that's why the technical definition of being dead is that you are brain dead and your heart stops - these are the two most electrical parts of our body, and the electrical impulses stop.

  20. I don't really believe in an afterlife. I admit the idea is attractive and I was raised Christian so it's somewhat ingrained, but honestly I really don't hold a belief in it anymore. But who knows, I might be surprised to meet Zeus, Horus, Allah, Jehovah or some other deity when I die  :)

  21. I believe I believe.

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