
Do you believe there is anything the United Nations can do to end the war in Georgia?

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Or will the United Nations prove to be impotent just like they have been in trying to prevent millions from being slaughtered in Africa?

How should the U.S.A. react to the Russian invasion?




  1. Russia's KGB leaders try to reclaim the old Soviet empire by rolling tanks into the tiny Georgian republic.

    Where is the United Nations when we really need them? Isn't this Russian invasion of Georgia a test of that much vaunted agency and its international peacekeepers? Huh. Well, don't hold your breath

  2. I say the world invades Russia once and for all. They have never been good or useful, let's blow em up!

  3. The U.N. will warm their seats as usual.

    Russia is using Georgia's initial advances into South Ossetia(Georgian Territory) as an excuse to conquer Georgia, by invading Abkahzia, bombing civillians, taking Georgian cities.

    Russia wants to set up a puppet government there. Defying the world, as it bombs Georgian apartment complexes.

    No one dares declare war with Russia.

    The United States has aided Georgia thus far, by transporting Georgian troops from Iraq back to their homeland. We have also condemned Russia, along with the rest of the world, for their expansionist agedna and utter disregard for human life.

    To be fair, Georgia started it all...

    However I believed the Russians have confused the old saying, "An eye for an eye," with, "A life for an eye." It must have been mistranslated.

    In otherwords, "Russian overkill" is an understatement.





    (sighs) I knew someone would commit intellectual suicide by bringing this up.

    Your comparison of the Russian-Georgian conflict to the Iraq wars, is grotesque in the least.

    There are major differences.

    Saddam committed mass genocide against Kuwaiti people, not to mention that of his own people.

    True, he had no WMD’s in Iraq – because he used them all on Kuwait.

    In Both Iraq wars, the U.S. had the world’s unwavering support; Russia has nothing but world condemnation.

    The U.S. doesn’t want to own Iraq, it wants them to be a free stable nation; Russia wants to take South Ossetia, and perhaps all of Georgia for itself – as if Russia didn’t have enough territory already!

    Iraq, unlike Georgia, was a dictatorship.

    Russia, on the other hand, used Georgian advances in South Ossetia as an excuse to invade Georgian land and topple their pro-west government - by either conquering Georgia or creating a puppet government there.

    It’s hard to deny the apparent Russian overkill…

    It’s a leap into the abyss to say that the United States’ liberation of Iraq (and soon to be withdrawal), is even remotely similar to Russia’s expansionist, blood lust on Georgian soil.

    Sure, the Georgians started the conflict – but Russia has overdone it, by bombing civilians and invading Georgia on two fronts. Sadly, the Georgians don’t have a prayer.


    Thanks for taking the time to abuse this tragic conflict to spew forth Bush hatred.


  4. Since Georgia is the initial attacker of a region that has not been part of Georgia since its indepence from the Soviet Union (which Georgia begged to join for protection from Turkey), the UN could stay out of it and just let Russia kick their a**es.  That would end it.


    Kathy N

    What did Russia do to Europe for over 50 years?  I know what they did right before that - they defeated the n***s.

  5. The UN has no standing army. UN "peacekeeping forces" is a term used for militaries that are still completely controlled by their own governments; they are serving somewhere because of a UN Security Council mandate, and by invitation of the host government; they may not go anywhere that the host country does not ask them too, and they remain under the complete control of their own governments.

    Only the UN Security Council has any power, and as Russia has veto power on the Security Council, and so they will veto any resolution that anyone puts up regarding its actions.

    The UN has no power, because that's how everyone seems to want it. You can't complain that the UN isn't doing anything when it has NO power to do anything and that's the way you want it!

    If your question is -- will the *members* of the UN do anything regarding Russia -- probably not. Russia is using many of the same arguments the US used regarding its own actions in countries all over the world in the last 15 years. No one wants to go head-to-head with Russia because of how it might escalate.  

  6. No - the UN is totally useless (despite with the liberals tell us)


  7. A blockade of the Black Sea and trade routes.

  8. The US? Stay quiet, if your president is not a hypocrite. The US invaded a sovereign country and therefore has absolutely no moral ground to say anything to anybody anymore.

    And besides that Russia has tons of nuclear weapons and it is not Iraq, which billions of people in the world knew had no weapons of mass destruction. Go mess with them.  

  9. Look at the origins. An order has crumbled with USSR. That left many lose ends. What was grandiosely called 'The nationalities question' that was solved it was claimed once and for all.

    USSR with its 15 republics was organised in a way that nationalities had autonomous republics and autonomous regions within them. Nationalities thus preserved thier identities and individuality matching their aspirations, of which the republics were obliged to maintain it that way. These mandated territories, when the SSRs (republics) fell out independent of USSR were left at the mercy of SSRs. I can cite a western example to match this. All empires of 20th century who were WW II victors were burdened with mandated territories. In British empire these were passed onto the dominions. Thus South Africa came in possession of South west Africa, which the Apartheid regime refused to part with. Georgia is doing the same with South Ossetia. Worse, she wants to incorporate the territory as part of Georgia. This is the deal with America and the reason behind the rainbow coloured revolutions around Black Sea. North Ossetia in Russian Federation is satisfied with her nominal autonomy that is attracting some from South Ossetia. The rest is unraveling before your eyes now!

    But the unresolved question still is who will arbitrate in the case of Ossetia, Abkhazia or even Chechniya. Others outside keep repeating that these nationalities wish to break free to join American mainstream. Now the Islamic terrorits too joined the melee.

    Now that the background story is before you, tell me what is the 'locus standi' of UN! If might is right, let NATO (the alternate UN) decide it.

  10. The UN is just like the boy scouts with firepower. They want to be involved but are too petrified to do anything.  The European union needs to step up and stop this chaos, but since Russia holds all that natural gas, they will sit back and watch just like they did in Bosnia. It took the US to step in and stop it. This is what happens when the world sits back and lets Russia do whatever they want to, they still have not learned the Russians are nothing less than modern day barbarians and always will be, Look what they did to Europe for over 50 years.  

  11. The UN will stomp their feet collectively and then break for lunch for all they can do is zero, nada, nil..

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