
Do you believe there is intelligent lifeforms on other planets?

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Do you believe there is intelligent lifeforms on other planets?




  1. After watching Ian Stewart on the box tonight, and assuming he's correct about the earth being blessed by all the many, many, accidents of nature that just happened at the exact time that they should have happened for the benefit of the planet and new life forms including humanity, then I would say we are unique in the universe. OH, and it just strikes me that these "accidents" of nature many years ago would have been called miracles.

  2. I agree about intelligent lifeforms being bereft on this planet.

    Look what we have done - breed, breed, breed.

    My parrot may be an intelligent lifeform.  He does not breed, either.

    AND if there are if there are intelligent lifeforms on other planets they are sure to STAY AWAY from planet Earth.

  3. Dont think so. Even if there were we would never see them. If we did then the concept of a infinite universe breaks down.

  4. Probability math demands that there is!

  5. I consider it highly likely that intelligent life forms exist elsewhere in the universe.

  6. When I try to understand the vastness of space it seems more likely that some form of life exist somewhere besides earth is far more like than it is that there is not.

  7. Years ago I read a statical breakdown of the possibility of intelligent life on other planets.  I do not remember the specifics anymore, maybe someone else also read it.  Using only yellow stars of our suns size and with other qualifiers, the end result was about a million planets with life.  

    The idea that we are the only intelligent life in the universe or our galaxy is indicative of how conceited the human race is.

  8. probably not and if there were it would probably be mentioned in the bible dur dut dur!

  9. In 1961 Frank Drake developed an equation to determine the possibility of other extra-terrestrial civilizations. He used the following factors:

    the rate of star formation in the galaxy (gs)  

    *  stars that can support planets (fs)  

    *  the fraction of planets that are habitable (ne)  

    *  the fraction of planets on which life originates (fl)  

    *  fraction of planets in which a lifeform has evolved to intelligence. (fi)  

    *  fraction of those, that have technology and will to communicate. (fc)  

    *  is the mean lifetime (yrs.) of a communicative civilization.(L)  

    =  Number of Communicative Civilizations (N)  


    The equation is:     N=R*fs*fp*ne*fl*fi*fc*L

    Since my math is at the change-making level. try the following sites to learn more about what the equation is and how it works. My understanding is that, no matter what the numbers you plug in are, there's likely a lot of other civilizations out there.

  10. If not we are a lonely little speck in a big asinine universe.

    Given that even if our technology advanced well beyond the ability to visit the moon it would still take decades if not millenia to travel to a planet capable of life due to the bounds of space and time (save for something like a wormhole), it may never be proven, but yes I believe the chances are good considering the countless stars.

    In the end we are still left lonely and wondering.

  11. I sometimes wonder about this one!

  12. more than i believe there is a god

  13. yes, the universe is so big, there is so much room for other lifeforms. I'm just wondering how they would look like. they could be more beautiful and sophisticated.

  14. Have we found any on this planet?!!?!

    No, seriously, it is entirely possible and even likely that some sort of self-aware, self-preserving  lifeform exists somewhere in the vastness of space, but it may not be a terrestrial, carbon-based creature.  The possibilities of what we are completely ignorant of are endless.

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