
Do you believe there is life on other planets...?

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planets we don't know about (YET) wouldn't it be very narrow-minded to believe we, humans on earth, are the only ones who exist?

take a look at this article:




  1. There is absolutely no proof of aliens!

  2. There is definitely life on other planets, but i'm not so sure about intelligent life.

    But in saying that i believe in God who would be an intelligent being not of this Earth, therefore an alien or extra-terrestrial.

  3. Even the most conservative among us has to admit that there is a possibility of life elsewhere, but this has to be qualified because many people draw erroneous conclusions from it.

    Just today I have seen probably 8 or 10 people saying that aliens and UFOs *must* be real because it is stupid for us to think we're the only intelligent life in the universe.  This is a non-sequitur.  It's like saying "I'm sure African army ants exist so surely there must be some in my yard."  The distances between stars must be understood before one can make any statements about the likelihood of alien beings visiting the earth.  Sure, there may be many intelligent civilizations, right here in our own galaxy, and it is highly possible that we will NEVER know of their existence, nor they, of ours.  We certainly have not been visited by any, and there is no other intelligent life in our solar system.  Intelligent life in the solar system would have been *impossible* for us to miss by this point in our explorations.

    It's that big out there.

  4. This quote may amuse you.

    'It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.'

    --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy  

  5. I think, somewhere, there *has* to be life on another planet.... just the sheer number of planets out there suggests that Earth *can't* be the only one.  

    In my humble opinion.

  6. not in our solar system - no, because mars is too cold for life and venus too hot. so imagine the other planets. also, theres no air on other planets, no atmosphere.

    but in the whole universe - yes. we can't be the only ones without life with the other millions of solar systems and galaxies, there is bound to be another planet orbiting another planet with an atmosphere and life.

  7. Your answer is simple, google Drake's Theory. It will answer all your questions regarding life on other planets. I promise. It is called drakes bad...The Drake equation states that:


    N is the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible;


    R* is the average rate of star formation in our galaxy

    fp is the fraction of those stars that have planets

    ne is the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets

    fℓ is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point

    fi is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life

    fc is the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space

    L is the length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

    The number of stars in the galaxy now, N*, is related to the star formation rate R* by


    where Tg is the age of the galaxy. Assuming for simplicity that R* is constant, then N* = R* Tg and the Drake equation can be rewritten into an alternate form phrased in terms of the more easily observable value, N*.[2]

  8. so they say that the universe goes on forever.  and us humens have and can only go so far into space. i believe that there are millions of planets just like ours out there........

  9. There is a mathematical way to predict how many planets in the universe may have life on them. It's called the Drake equation:

    But if you think about it, with billions of stars in the galaxy that have planets orbiting them, with billions of galaxies in the universe, its a very small chance that we are the only ones in the universe.

  10. My opinion on this subject is that it would be extremely narrow minded to assume that Earth is the only planet to have life.

    Life itself is very hard to define, in fact I've read a very plausible argument that "fire" is a form of life.

    Life can take so many form, we are carbon based - life elsewhere in the Universe doesn't need to be.

    So when you consider that our Galaxy has around 100 billion stars (suns) in it, with a high percentage having planets. Also consider that there are 100's of billions of galaxies out there and suddenly even an extremely small percentage means that the universe is teeming with life.

    If might just be "Not as we know it" :)

    There is a mission to Europa (one of the moons of Jupiter) being planned I beleive - as under the very thick ice there is an ocean, which could contain life!


  11. I believe that there definitely can be life on other planets. I'm not talking about green bug-eyed humanoids with antennas for ears, I'm talking about the most likely form of life we could find in inhospitable (by our standards) environments - bacteria.

    Most planets, including those in our solar system, have an abundance of such elements as methane, ammonia, carbon, sulphur, etc. There can be life forms that are able to feed off these elements and survive in harsh conditions. Even on our planet earth, there are life forms that don't need oxygen or sunlight to survive. They live deep under the sea or the surface of the earth, and feed on the elements from deep within the earth.

  12. Yes, I do. There are so vastly many planets in the Universe (on the order of a septillion or more) that it seems rather silly to suggest that we are somehow the only ones.

  13. Yes i do believe there is life on other planets because we are only in one small part of our galaxy, and there is millions even billions of planets and stars in this galaxy. What chances could there be a planet like ours?

    Then there's the universe with millions of galaxies with in it including ours, and in those galaxies is another set of billions of stars and planets like ours, do you think there could be even a higher chance that life could exist now? imaging it, but we wont be able to find them if there in a different galaxy because it is really far away out there light years away, it makes me sad thinking about it and what we might have missed through out our lives. Could be a life form so different than what we human think what aliens might look like, but life forms just change to there habitats, so there's no 1 form of life on the planet if it gets hotter there skin colour will change like to brown, that's why black people (no offence just saying) can stand in the sun longer without getting sun burnt than people in england, they have proven it.

    Life on other planet has not yet been proven but alls i can say that, We are very small in a very big galaxy populated with billions of stars and planets, and our galaxy is small in a very big universe which is populated with lots of galaxies including the milky way and the andromeda galaxy.

    Just remember that.

  14. Not always sure there is life on this planet....

  15. yes - sorry no explanation because everyone has pretty much quoted or said everything in agreement

  16. of course. i'll probably have a night terror about it again tonight.

  17. Life on some of them, but none on the overwhelming majority.

  18. This is asked 10000000000000000000000000 times a day!

    No No No No No No  No Nooooooooooo

  19. There are NO aliens! It's a hoax people!

  20. Again,again,again, again, again, yes and yes.  

  21. yes I am sure there is somewhere but I doubt we will ever come into contact also depends on what you define as life?

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