
Do you believe there will one day be a battle between pollution deniers and believers?

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Do you believe there will one day be a battle between pollution deniers and believers?




  1. No one denies pollution. All creatures on earth emit pollution of some sort, but intelligent people deny that humans cause global warming.  I assume that's what you mean.

    As people become more informed and knowledgeable they see through the global warming hype, so there won't be any need for a battle.

    The problem is that by the time we know for sure that climate change is not caused by humans, there will be so many carbon taxes in place that we'll all be broke anyway.

    Time always reveals the hoaxes, so the advocates know that they need to put in place as much government regulations, restrictions and taxation before the hoax is exposed.

  2. No.

    For a while I was concerned that China would cause world conflict over this.  But now it's clear they understand that destroying the world's economy with global warming will not be good for business.  They'll be tough negotiators, seeking compettive advantage, but they want a worldwide agreement, too.

    The present controversy is no more a "battle" than the controversy over "intelligent design".  The "intelligent design" folks aren't getting anywhere, and neither will the deniers.

    But they can cause a delay in action which will cost us all a tremendous amount of money.  So it's worth opposing their disbelief in science.

  3. It started over 20 years ago. Can you guess how much this is costing you at the register on the things you get at the register

  4. Oh  I certainly have great hope we all can keep cooler heads than that!   Our actions and interactions can be a big part in reducing our differences.  It is easy to let things get out of hand in any cause or viewpoint.   Maybe my age makes my belief that slow gradual change is best.

  5. Is a evolution problem. I hope not

  6. its happening right now!

  7. Pollution is part of living.  There are wastes associated with almost any activity.  It is not possible to remove pollution from the environment.  It is ridiculous to call CO2 pollution since all animals pollute and plants survive off our "pollution"

  8. Pollution Deniers? If you trully believe CO2 is a pollutant than you better stop breathing.

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