
Do you believe these were angels?

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Or were the children hallucinating and all saw the same thing?




  1. I can't open up your site.

    I believe in angels. The bible tells us so.

    After my son died I was at his grave site sobbing. I would of been his 22nd birthday that day.

    Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a woman, ordinary yet she seemed to glide when she walked. Eventually she put her hand on my shoulder.I was startled. She hugged me and asked me to tell her all about my son. She listened for a long whlie. When I was done I was feeling more peaceful. She gave me a hug. I pulled away and asked her if she believed in angels, she shook her head yes.

    Are you an angel  asked. She just smiled and told me that she felt compelled to walk into the cemetry. I wanted to ask her for her phone number, I wanted her to be a friend. But, some thing inside of me told me that this was a holy experience. I thanked her and she smiled. Then off she went to leave the grave yard. Again, it didn't seem like she walking, She glided. I waited until she as out of sight and got in my car., I was so superised that I was feeling such a sense of peace.

    I strongly that I was visited by an angel.

  2. Most small towns have more churches than they do gas stations.

    And if this little community had more of a religious influence over the townspeople, then the "angels" theory would support the story.

    There was nothing to indicate the size of the homemade bomb, or the chemicals used to detonate it.

    Granted it's great no one was seriously injured or killed.

    But when some of the class sees angels, some see dead relatives, and some see nothing at all, but hear disembodies voices, it makes me wonder if all the kids weren't agreeing with what the majority of the other kids were saying.

    That picture of the wall where it is supposed to look like a skull......

    maybe that was the direct path of the bomb, and the plaster fell away from the wall in that pattern.

  3. I have no doubt that the children were protected by a "higher power" for the simple fact that they were children, however the pictures that are on the website do not appear to an angel.  If they were not falsified, and that WAS or IS some sort of spirit, it isn't an angel.   At least not an angel that I have ever seen or experienced myself.  I would say that is probably caused more by the blast perhaps or some sort of residue left over from the blast.

  4. yes

  5. FACT: The children reported angels.

    FACT: Only the attackers were killed.

    FACT: People believe in angels and ghosts.

    I don't see any reason to ride roughshod over what people believe, as there was a potential catastrophe averted. If you don't believe fine. If you do, that's fine too.

    It is the right of all people to be irrational. Once we learn that, we can then deal with the larger task at hand, which is to explain what really happened.

    This was over 20 years ago. It's done and over with, and there can be no investigation done now, and thus no conclusion. The only thing that can be done is accept that a miracle happened (by any name, it's the same effect), and be respectful enough to the survivors to not have to dwell on something that was likely a horrific situation.

  6. Absolutely I believe that.  I saw it featured on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.  The kids all told the same does one explain that? They couldn't have just made it up on the spot  That's an amazing story.  Hey, when it's not our's not our time.

    I like your questions Deenie!

  7. I do not believe in angels as taught to me in my religious upbringing as a catholic.

    That being said, it is a big universe, who knows what forces or life forms exist.

    Anything is possible.

    The kids saw something, They did not die in a bomb blast that should have killed them all...

    They didn't...

  8. it says SLIGHTLY WARPED, which means is was "slightly" edited. (:

  9. I find the comment "the usual superior zealousness that atheism affords some people with an obvious axe to grind" interesting in light of the claim of protection from angles.  To attribute it to a miracle by angles while disallowing more logical explanations ludicrous.

  10. The clarity was not very good on my end, but it looks as though photo shop was possibly applied using the brush or smudge tool.

    I watched a show on Discovery discussing the origin of angels and the first accounts that were drawn did not have feathers/wings.

    Wings were implemented in pictures and stories over time to imply a an entity was either evil or divine.

  11. You can't see angels because they don't live in this realm of existence. Don't think I'm weird though! It's just that they aren't of our plane! For example, everything we see is of our realm, like birds. But things that we don't see but know exist live in another realm, get it! ^_^

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