
Do you believe they really found a Bigfoot in Georgia?

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Do you believe they have really found a Bigfoot in Georgia, or is it just another hoax? The pictures are pretty believable, but we'll just have to wait and see I suppose. In the meantime, what do you think?




  1. As of now, I don't think anyone has changed their belief of a bigfoot or missing link before this. This will have a impact on science, religion, and our existence if proved real. But after the conference it doesn't look like they are trying to prove its real at all.

  2. No, I don't. Apparently, the men who "found" Bigfoot have told the media three different stories.  

  3. I agree the pics look pretty realistic to me..but i just don't think that was a real life bigfoot...

    but you never know

  4. I'm a forester, and I work further back in the woods than most people know exist.  I've been stalked by a cougar, chased by a bear, howled at by coyotes, run over by an elk and almost had a curious bobcat come up and do circle-8's between my legs, but I've never seen anything, anywhere, to even remotely suggest to me that a Bigfoot creature lives.  A creature this big, with numbers large enough to sustain a viable breeding population, taking in enough nourishment to support this large a frame, could not go undocumented for as long as this alleged creature has.

    Another question is, why would the media still give any credence to these desperate-for-attention hoaxers?  The people responding so far to this topic here are obviously far more intelligent.

  5. No.

  6. idk, probably a drunken, hairy redneck! North Ga's FULL of'em. lol

  7. When someone brings in a dead Bigfoot to a major natural history museum and we get scaled professional photographs and a post-mortem report on the thing from a qualified expert then I'll think about it.  

    Until then, no.

  8. Not at all.  First of all, didn't the news media state that those same two guys staged a Big Foot hoax two years ago?  Now we're to believe that this is the real deal?  Also, look at the news footage or pictures:  The rate of decomposition is not uniform. Why is the body so decayed and the head is relatively pristine? Obviously whoever is trying to pass this corpse/head off for the real deal has never seen a real animal that has died in the woods and is in an advanced stage of decay.

    I'm far from convinced.


  9. no i do not believe that

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