
Do you believe this, older dogs don't like change, we bought a trailer, our 10 year old king shep?

by  |  earlier

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is stressed at the trailer, he prefers to be at home where he doesn't have to be tied up, how do we destress him at the trailer, he goes for walks but he still whines.




  1. Make it fun.. Do special things with him.. He is old, he is set in his way, you have to make it super fun to make it better than being at home where he is used to things.

  2. German Shepherds don't do leashes well - and tying up any dog can be life threatening.

    It would be far better to hire a petsitter to take care of your dog in his home, where he is happy, when you go away.  Just makes sure that he is properly introduced to the petsitter so he does not see them as an intruder - have them come over with you there so he can see that you approve of them, and have them come over for several paid visits while you are not at home, before you go to your trailer.

      Shepherds are very regimented and don;t like to be out of their element, and old dogs always do better in their home environment.  He'll be safer there, and you'll have a better vacation.

  3. No one (even humans) like change when they are old.

    Please do not tie this dog.  I would whine too if I could not be home where I was happy and treated as one of the family and now....

    Please buy him a large dog run and buy him a nice dog house.  Make sure it is in partial shade. This is cruel to tie your senior dog.

  4. I don't understand.  Why does he have to be tied up at the trailer?  Isn't he inside with you?  Or having a good time with you?  no dog does well taken from his home to a strange place and left alone tied up all by himself.  Especially a senior.

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