
Do you believe this and if so do you think the government should rcognise the Aryan race?

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The Aryan race is the blonde haired blue eyed race that originates from Northern Europe. The ice age pushed the Aryan race down into Southern Europe and then Asia. In Asia the Aryans met with the Indian Race and they mixed together to form what we know today as the Arabs. These Arabs then moved west into North Africa, then North into Spain, Italy and Greece mixing with the Aryans already there and forming the Spanish, Italians and Greeks we know today. Groups of these people moved north which is why people in northern Europe today have a mix of blonde hair blue eyes and brown hair brown eyes. Meaning near the entire population of Europe is ultimately a mixture of Aryan and Indian race. But the make up of the average European is mostly Aryan. The Mongols also went west to Europe interbreeding with Aryans as they go.




  1. It sounds plausible but un-provable. The Government does recognize the aryan race, it just refers to the as caucasians..  

  2. Congratulations for writing the most BS fairy tale in the history of Yahoo Answers! Aryan did not come from Europe for one thing, they originated from what is now northern Indian and Iran. The term in and of itself originates from  Sanskrit and Farsi, and has only been used for the past eighty years to describe Nordic people because the n**i regime sent a team of morons to Tibet and they came back with the bright idea to call themselves Aryan and use to Tibet symbol of peace (aka the swastika) as a symbol of hate. The government will not embrace and teach fairy tales, sorry.

  3. Recent research has concluded that the gene for blue eyes came from a mutation in a single individual.

    We're all cousins. We also live in a pluralistic society. Why should the govt. recognize a vaguely described ethnic group?

  4. No - this is not necessary.

    There really is only one race - the human race. Everything else is merely culture and pigmentation.

  5. Sorry Poops, Aryan is just a term that was literally abused and censored due to n**i Germany's actions. But Aryan is just a group term in the race definition, like Hispanic, Black, Asian, etc.

    Officially, there are only three major human races in the world: the Caucasoid, (which the Aryan is a member); the Mongoloids and the Negroids. After that, the groups are divided into political correctness.

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