
Do you believe this is a UFO photo,..?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It looks more like something on the ground.

  2. ya

  3. no, im pretty sure if aliens an such were real they would have made contact a long time ago, unless they have an the government is keeping it a secret? but who knows, i personally don't but others probably do  its everyones opinion on what they believe in

  4. no

  5. It's colored just like the surrounding ground is. It appears to be a structure built into the ground.

  6. I think that our government has all the answers to UFOs, and all the unexplained things that we see in the Heavens. I think that is the Air force because they have all kinds of special air crafts that look like like UFOs. You need to talk to someone in your family that is in the military and ask them about classified information. You will be amazed at what you hear!!!

  7. Can't say yes or no on this.

    Has anyone seen the EXIF data of the picture?

    Since it's google earth, my knee jerk response is ... it's a building.

  8. Unable to see the pic - it said Gateway timed-out

    Maybe because the conduit to that site, was

    Wait - "mercurial" can see it - why can't I?


    Kris - I assume that you know about



  9. As someone commented about the recent incident in texas, "Its a UFO to you"

    Remember UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. It does not mean an alien spacecraft.

  10. I don't think that this is a UFO.I personally Feel that there is no think like a UFO because if they existed then why would they want us not to see them.Why should they hide from us and Why would they come to Earth having such advanced technologies.

  11. dont see it

  12. No, I do not automatically assume a flat triangle photographed from space is a UFO.  First of all, you can't even determine it's flying.  This is just more of the "building a case through suggestion and anomaly" tactic used by true believers in so many of the paranormal subjects out there today.

    It's funny how there is never seems to be any source information.

  13. I don't think it is.  It is strange though.

  14. No, I believe it is a aeroplane made in the U.S.A.

  15. I do not think it is. Why would a UFO stay still while something above it is snapping photos?

  16. If you look at objects in the area you can see shadows going to the left and slightly down.  There are a few trees, but not much of anything else with height.  So where's the shadow?  Even if it was sitting on the ground, the left edge would have a distinct dark edge to it if this thing was anything but completely flat.

    The "lights" look more like flames or some kind of large amorphous shape.  The resolution is good enough to see better detail than this if they were lights.  Now look at the thin dark line coming from the center and going in exactly the same direction as other shadows in the area.  It's a shadow.  But of what?  If you study the picture carefully, you can tell that this picture is taken from almost directly overhead.  The thing in the center of the triangle my be a structure with a narrow tower coming up from it.  We can't see the tower because we're looking straight down it.  But we can see its shadow.

    So if it is a UFO, it is perfectly flat, lying on the ground, has a high tower coming straight up from the center, and uses big flames for lights.

    Take it from there.

    Edit:  For those who might point out that the UFO may be flying high enough that the shadow is somewhere else, I checked all the way to the edge of that photo frame. 4.3 miles to the southwest.  No shadow.  The sun seems to be pretty high in the sky.  So this object would have to be at least 4 to 8 miles up.  Google earth has a 3-d modeling capability.  You can see this when drifting over mountains or even tall buildings.  There appears to be none here, again suggesting that this has no altitude.

    I'm guessing some kind of natural gas well.  But I am a little baffled by the lack of a road.  This thing really is out in the middle of nowhere.

  17. Could be an oil refinery - dunno - there are heaps of weird stuff that can be found in the outback.....

  18. no there is not any ufo...

    that web is bad

  19. This could be a U.F.O. photo, but don't you think that if they were aliens, and they know how to create anti-gravity, that they would know how to keep one of their ships hidden from any point of view? Unless they were trying to contact us, but then they would have done so years, maybe even decades or centuries ago. I don't want to discourage anyone who believes it really is a U.F.O., just telling them not to get their hopes too high about ever meeting a real live alien.

  20. It is a geoglyph, landscape art.  It's on the ground, in the close up picture you can even see where a track crosses it on the left and comes out onto the lighter ground and over on the right there is a light patch on the light side which is just slightly lighter inside the dark patch.   It might have been made by some jokers with a bit of diesel and a few beers to spare.  The local equivalent of crop circles to get UFO whackos talking .  One possibility is that it is a radio mast, you can see a shadow extending west and south and the light bits are the concrete footings for the mast and the guy wires.  

    EDIT -The triangle is on a sheep or cattle farm.  If you look at Google Earth directly you can see a water tank and water trough somewhat to the east and a bit north.  The whole thing isn't very big, not much bigger than a suburban yard or even only a house.   (100 metres on a side)

    See also "Maree man".

  21. The others have made some good observations.  I read them before looking at the images, and the comments seem to explain it enough valid ways to discredit the UFO line of thinking.

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