
Do you believe this is a real demon possession?

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  1. Looks to me like simple hysteria.

  2. I don't believe that Ouija boards do anything more than invoke the participants' psychic and psycho-kinetic abilities. Especially when done by teenagers, who are known to have high emotional and psychic energy which often contributes to poltergeist like events.

    The girls in the video look genuinely freaked out, but it's not a demon, it's their own energy that's causing it. Demons don't exist in the spirit world, they are only created by our own negative energy.

  3. Well, honestly, I'd need to see more to know for sure, there's an entire background I know nothing about, but I don't see or hear or even feel anything I would consider demonic. Looks to me like someone wanted to channel through her. If you're fighting the connection to the spirit, it can be a rather unpleasant feeling and can be downright terrifying the first time it happens. Add to it that none of them were expecting it and I'd say they just got really spooked. The problem was, she'd opened herself up to the contact, she'd given them the okay to speak with her. Or in this case, *through* her.


    Ps....I found the same video with a bit more footage on youtube....

  4. people in the hospital say hi to you

  5. Oh without a doubt. I mean she is telling people things that she can't possibly know, she is speaking in a dead language that she had no exposure to and she is levitating off the bed and causing objects to fly everywhere.

    Oh wait she isn't doing any of those things.

    Seriously it seems like bad acting on a You Tube video to me. However, I don't know the story behind the video.

    Based on the video no she does not exhibit any symptom of possession.


  6. Uhhhh, was it just me, or did they look like they were smiling most of the time, and on the verge of laughing?  It seems unlikely that they would have video taped their random ouija experience, and had the girl who was "possessed" center frame the whole time.  Also, while the other girls covered their mouths "in shock" (or to try to suppress giggles), none of them appeared frightened.

  7. Were the girls yelling Lethard or r****d?

    Smells Like Teen Spirit.

    And some really bad acting.........

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