
Do you believe this is the reason blonds are beautiful?

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The Vikings were the first long-range sea farers. They were also the first pirates. The Vikings raided the coasts of Europe for five hundred years - they would beach their longboats, run over to the nearest town, burn, kill and pillage, and run back to the longboat and carry away everything that was valuable. Most of the time, the only thing that was worth stealing and taking back to Scandinavia was the good looking women they found in the towns. For five hundred years the Vikings went around Europe gathering up all the good looking women and their good looking female genetic material, then they took it back to Scandanavia and interbred with all the Norse blondies (everybody in Norway was blond back then). This is why blonds are good-looking; it is because they have the foxiest genetic material which was caryfully selected from all the towns of Europe over a five hundred year period.




  1. I think you nailed it D.H.!


  2. beauty is in the eye of the beholder

  3. Sooo I take it you've never met an ugly blond?

    You do realise that beauty is subjective?

  4. Im Scandinavian and  nope i dont think thats why.

  5. There is probably much truth to what you stated.  I often wonder what would have happened if the Spartans were allowed to continue their genetic experiment for 20,000 years.  Dominant men and warfare oriented cultures should increase the number of babes to chose from.  That is why I think we most likely evolved so fast.

  6. I don't think the Vikings were the first long range seafarers, though they may have been some of the more aggressive. As for blondes, are you talking about globally? Are you saying that the Vikings, selecting what they saw as the prettiest women from around Europe, and then bringing them back to Norway to produce hordes of babies who inherited their father's hair and mother's beauty, over a 500 year period, are responsible for the blondes of today possessing a great standard of beauty?

    No, I don't think that's what happened. I think you need more proof, or maybe to rethink this a bit.

  7. As a Blonde and Blue eyed beauty,

    I was really hoping it was my Scottish Dad and my Irish Mom!

    Hope I am right and you are too!


  8. you got issues Dude!

  9. Simply stated ...NO! One man's fox is another man's goat!

  10. I dont think so, only because the fact the term "foxy" and "beauty" did not have the same meaning as today IE not airbrushed dolls.

    If this was true, i dont think you could explain african beauty, chinese beauty, hispanic beauty etc.  unless they did pillaging themselves (this may have well been the case)

    anyways I think you think blondes are beautiful because light skin and blue eyes and blonde hair is very beautiful and sometimes very rare.  (im not being racist here, its just an opnion a lot of people share)

    However, ive seen lots of haggish blondes as well and brunettes that would win a beauty contest against a blonde any day!

  11. Ive seen many ugly blondes

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