
Do you believe this player can't win without this other player, B.S.?

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I dont, there is a constant debate in this section of how one player couldn't win without the other. Like the most common questions Pippen without jordan, or Kobe without shaq. It's amazing how ignorant these people can be. Jordan was in the league for 6! years before he won a championship.

how "ironically" when pippen joined the bulls in 88 and then phil became head coach in 89 that the bulls began drastically improving which eventually led them to a champion. How about shaq it took him 8 years!, and kobe drastic improvement for him to get his first tittle. Don't forget like bynum kobe played his first 3 years in the reserve role behind eddie, and van exel. You might be thinking what about 2005? and miami, last i checked dwayne wade is second best shooting guard coincidence?, NO!.

Why won't you haters ever understand that it's not the player it's the team!, NO! matter how great the player is Mikan, J West, Rusell, Dr J, Byrd, Magic, Pippen, Jordan, Shaq, Kobe THEY ALL HAD HELP!.




  1. Duh, basketball is a team sport and therefore the team has to be strong in order to win.

  2. good point

    do you feel better now that you've let that off your chest?

  3. I think a lot of this discussion STARTS when some illogical Laker fans/Kobe apologists want to give Ko the CREDIT for winning three championships...the next thing you know a knucklehead like me is pointing Kobe post Diesel record...want this to stop? ...just stop BRINGING THIS UP (ffs)

    OF COURSE Basketball is a TEAM sport ...

    that's why my favorite squad has the following record:

  4. Exactly, it's a weak excuse to say a player isn't great he was only great with pippen or shaq.  That a sorry excuse.  Because like you already mentioned Russell, Larry, Magic all had great supporting cast and help.  But there the best because they were the MVP on there team.

  5. Very good point. It was a team effort in which these great players may have helped out a lot but they didnt do it all. They even need the support from thier benchwarmers. Its a complete team effort.

  6. PEOPLE ARE RETARDS THAT'S WHY.................

  7. There's no " i " in team.

    -Mister J

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