
Do you believe this saying: there is always somebody out there better than you are?

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In regards to everything and anything. Like if you are an artist, there is a better one out there, or if you are trying to create something, somebody out there could do it better?

Don't you feel this is a bit hopeless? Or is it like a driving force to always improve yourself?




  1. I am not sure whether we can say this. You know what is "better" or "worse"? I think that we believe it because we want to (perhaps bc of that driving force you mentioned).

    But as far as I am concerned I do believe that there are people who can do things much better than I can.

  2. Absolutely.

    1) For everyone that has it bad someone ALWAYS has it worse.

    2) For everyone that is good there is ALWAYS someone better.

    One must never get too proud of themselves. It comes out in a negative way. Sure people are great, but someone is always greater. You can get all the attention in the world, but someone has gotten more attention in the past. I believe it works as a driving force to improve yourself but I would never think that I could be the best in the world. You can only do what you can do and be good at what you do giving it your all 100% of the time.

    Nice thought provoking question. Thank you!

  3. Given to odds, it's the way to bet.

    Given the human tendency to egoism,

    it's generally true.

  4. Yes.This is a driving force to become better & better.

  5. When I read this question my mind zeroed in on the word "better."  Better is a relative term.  One man's better is another man's worse the way I see it, so while there may be certain aspects to differentiate styles etc. I wouldn't necessarily say with any degree of certainty that someone or something is better than someone or something else.  I would say however, that it's the subtle differences that make us strive to improve and perfect whatever it is we perceive as lacking in our art or character etc.  

  6. We have a better chance at winning the lottery than being the best at anything.I think what was meant by this old saying is not to get TOO cocky.

  7. Yeah, i believe it...but what the h**l!

    Let's say,  you are an artist and you create something which is your best, and you've put all of your effort in it, then you must be satisfied with it. because if we try to always be the best then we'll only have disappointments.

    Life isn't only about succeeding in one thing, if you listen to old people, they will always say that at the end what's important is how happy you were and if you've lived you're life at the fullest; if you've been in love, if you've had a family...material things are less important.  

  8. At something specific, yes. There's always someone better at it that I am and someone better than that person later on.

    Not really, I see it as a law of life. Perhaps that's why I never try too hard at anything, maybe just once in a while but not all the time.

  9. of course

    I am better than a lot of people and i am worst than a lot of people

    like a human beign

  10. NOO!! it could be true most of the time but not always !!

    some people are experts in one thing but they've got their weaknesses.. for example you could be better than me at maths and i could be better than at you at science!!  

    if it was true.. it would go on forever and who is at the top of the chain??

    dont be put off thinking there is someone always better than you out there because ITS NOT TRUE!!

  11. f*n yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

    hate it- but you have to do your best even if it's not good enough.

  12. Well that doesn't really make sense in a One-Type-Of-Thing category way. Since if I'm an artists if there's someone better than me then in turn there is someone better than that guy and it keeps going, there must be an end since there is not an infinite ammount of people.

    However if you look at all categories it becomes like this:

    Just because I'm the best artist there will always be someone better than me, not in art but maybe in music. Which makes a lot of sense since the top of this would mean someone who is the best at EVERYTHING which is, in my opinion, impossible.

    But it is a driving force to improve yourself, but you have to realize too, someone's got to be at the top and that someone could just as easily have been you, or could be you if you try harder.

    Just like the lottery, most of the time  SOMEONE has to win it. It's not impossible, but sometimes it won't be you.

  13. Yes, I do. God is better than everyone else and it's hard (i don't know to what extreme extent that is) to compete with Him. Don't feel hopeless because in this world, the people you love are what matters and no matter how pathetic or great you are, they love you for who you are. The people who actually care about greatness are the people who don't matter.  

  14. There is always someone better... unless you are Michael Phelps.

  15. Yes I believe that there is always someone out there that is a little meaner, a little viler, a little more vicious, a little more willing to lie and decieve then I am and that is a bad thing not a good thing.  I am not those things and so I don't know how to be them do you think I should learn soon?

  16. This is like saying that if I have a color that I like, there's somebody out there that has a better color than I have.  Who really cares, I might not think that other color is so great, even though everybody else might believe that.  Ditto with the other things that I can do.  

  17. Yes I believe that saying.

  18. Just go "like whatevar! '

    or else strive to be better .

    i prefer like whatever .......that's how i wanna lead my life from now on .  

  19. regardless of the pride and vanity that one has, if we are to consider or would ever like to consider the help of another we must assume first that someone is better if not we would not even grow at all in any of our crafts chosen.

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