
Do you believe this was my dad visiting me cause it was so vivid ?

by Guest45556  |  earlier

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I was sleeping & in my dream I said dad do you miss me & all of a sudden he appeared before me in a flash of light wearing a suit & nodded & then dissapeared. His ashes are here in my living room in case that makes a difference.




  1. hmmm that means ur dad(soul) loves u so much he will be with u whole ur life

    this is a sign of good luck

  2. I agree with Jack P. Personally I don't believe the deceased can come back to visit us, but I can't prove it. It was your dream, so I would say that you should be the one to decide what kind of meaning it has. Our memories and dreams of our loved ones are our own.  :)

  3. go meet ur dad

    love him

    spend time with him

    its u r dad

    he need u and u need him

  4. Very often our loved ones will come and visit us in dreams, it is the easiest way to communicate for them. You might also have much other activity that you are barely aware of happening, which would prove to you that Dad is actually visiting you, such as lights that flicker, televisions that go on and off, telephones ringing and no one is there (the number will not show up either on the ID), objects that are seemingly misplaced or moved,  songs that you hear back to back that remind you of him (beyond coincedence) and you might feel a light touch here and there.

  5. yes i believe it was your dad, it's called, after death communication. treasure it.

  6. I agree with Jack P. Before Y/A who would you have asked? Ask them..they probably know you and your dad better than we do. I assume he appeared in your dream.

  7. There's nobody here who can tell you the meaning of your experience with any authority.  You'll have to draw your own conclusions.

  8. It seems like he did.

    My wife experiences these types of dreams where she will see her relatives who've passed on. I had never experienced it until I had a dream of my mother and giving her a hug. I recently had a dream of seeing my wife's grandmother who I loved dearly and also gave her a hug.

    I think our loved ones can make a quick appearance in our dreams, whether it was really a dream or and actual visit is up to the person who experienced it.

  9. The question is, do YOU believe.  Maybe you have had unfinished business with your father, so subconsciously your mind is trying to finish that business for you or make you confront it.

    How do you like that from a skeptical view?  lol

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