
Do you believe we're not alone in the universe? if so what reasons make you believe this ? im interested :]?

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Do you believe we're not alone in the universe? if so what reasons make you believe this ? im interested :]?




  1. Hello,

    It's been said that Aliens have been visiting this planet for centuries.  They even have pictures on pyramids where the Egyptians show that a possible higher form of life and technology possibly helped them build the pyramids.  I watch the History Channel.  Love that channel. :-)  I too am interested in this kind of information.  On in the search field.  Type "Egyptians and UFOs".

  2. We are just one galaxy out of lord knows how many. The solar system is never ending. To think that we are all alone in this world would be very small minded.  

  3. Yep. Purely because of the numbers. Odds are simply against such a likelihood.  

  4. I do believe in Aliens, both intelligent and the primitive ones. Imagine, we are in a planet in a solar system millions of miles wide or even larger, and the nearest star is about light years away in a galaxy, near a cluster with the universe. It is impossible that we are the only ones. But, your going to say, "then why is the government or scientists disproving our eye witnesses on alien ships and encounter". Well the most likely candidate I would cling is that they are harmful and dangerous in some way, and the government wants no panic in a wide world scale causing chaos. There was an example from the SETI institute( Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) of a signal saying of  two ships talking to each other calling the "wow" signal. Then there are the Phoenix lights of both eye witness accounts and footage, but still disagreeable. Now for some reasons that an alien doesn't want to come here is for 1) we made nuclear missiles that are mass destruction, and fearing or 2) they would call insignificant. Hope this helps.

  5. Oh I am positive.  It is so hard to imagine how big our universe is...and it's actually getting bigger each year (we can tell through the doppler effect).   It would be a huge waste of space for life to not occur in the entire universe.

    However, I do not think we have ever encountered intelligent life from other planets (regardless of the crop signs and UFOs).   There are an unlimited amount of stars in the sky...but the closest one from our solar system is 4.3 light years away (meaning that if we for some impossible reason could travel at the speed of would still take us 4.3 years to get to it.)   I could not imagine a group of aliens drawing symbols in corn or spooking some farmer after such a committed journey.

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