
Do you believe we are being visited by beings from other planets?

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I just watched Larry King on TV. He was talking with ex-military personel and retired government officials about this. They confirmed that a cover up is going on and that contact has been made. These beings have communicated through mental telepathy and are peaceful at present. They are just curious about us. What do you think? (Sorry if this is in the wrong catagory)




  1. I too believe we are being visited, and that there was a crash in Roswell, New Mexico.

    Largely it stems from too many conflicting explanations as to explain away the UFO phenomenon.

  2. dude common

    if and only if

    there is life somewhere else other than other than it has to be o planet ( off course i am talking about life as we know it)

    and the nearest star other than sun its 4.3ly away

    which means even if they are as close to earth as they can be it will take 4.3 years for us to get their signal and another 4.3 year for them to get our reply.

    so just talking to them is so slow

    that its nearly impossible gain as much information as you are giving.

  3. I don't know which Universe you were watching Larry King from, but I saw some of it, and the air force chap made good points about the fact that there is nothing whatsoever to the loony fictional tales about flying crockery, small towns in New Mexico, and a high security USAF base for testing advanced aircraft.

    So, in short, all this stuff is pure nonsense and bunk for the pudding headed.

  4. Anything is possible, however in terms of likeliness jesus most likely was just a nut case.

  5. There are probably 10 to the 40th power stars in the notionally visible Universe.  Even if only one in a billion stars has a planet like Earth there would be thousands of billions of Earth like planets.  It could be a smaller number or it could be bigger.

    The chances are that if there is life on any of these Earth-like planets, it is only the local equivalent of bacteria.  For most of the history of life on Earth, the only life was single celled or casual associations of cells that could and did live independently.

    Even if there were multi-celled animals, they might only be as smart as fish, dogs or monkeys, or not even that smart.  For most of the history of multicellular life on Earth, no animal was any smarter.

    If there are intelligent beings, there is no guarantee that they have advanced as far as humans had 200 or 500 years ago.  For most of the history of humans on Earth, technology and science etc. had not got even that far.

    So the chances of there being a space-faring civilisation anywhere else in the Universe seem pretty small.  There might be a hundred, there might be a million.  Even if there were a hundred million, these are not enough for one per galaxy.

    So the chances of there being any other space-faring civilisation within tens of thousands of light years seem rather small.  

    Since the speed of light seems to be an absolute limit for objects with mass, crossing the likely distances between one civilisation and another could take half a million years if not more.  That is likely to make most aliens and humans reluctant to boldly go - - -.   So the chances that any extraterrestrial aliens have visited this planet appear to be miniscule.

    Historical records of major events are pretty good for some parts of the Earth over the previous 2,500 or more years, specially in the more advanced civilisations along the Nile, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.  There is no record or indication of aliens visiting them.


    Aliens as an explanation for any unidentified flying objects are the least probable one that does not involve outright magic, superstition and fantasy.  I don't believe that extraterrestrial aliens have ever visited the Earth.

    Aliens visits are improbable and might never have happened.  Mental telepathy has never been demonstrated and may not exist.  Why stack the undemonstrated on top of the improbable?  It makes the story more unlikely, not less.

  6. The argument that the government lied to us, so aliens must exist does not hold water. Perhaps the government lied to us, and we illegally invaded another country.  That sounds more reasonable.

    There are millions of ameteur astronomers around the world.  They have the training to spot unusal things, they have the equipment to see them, and they are looking for them.  They don't find aliens visiting us.  This leads to the conclusion that we are not being visited.

  7. I had a nice chat with a guy from Project S.E.T.I. (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) about this once. Basically it's a question of absolutes: either there are aliens or there aren't; and, either they're visiting us, or they're not.

    If there are no aliens, then we're the only intelligent life in the universe, in which case we're sitting on the biggest real estate bonanza in history! Look up at the stars: it's all there for the taking!

    If there are aliens, but they're not visiting us, then it's up to us to visit them.

    If there are aliens and they're visiting us, then they're remaining hidden for some reason. In which case, something funny is going on.

    There was a very good conference on the subject of UFO's and aliens held at MIT about ten years ago. It was recorded in a book which makes really good reading. It's called "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind".

  8. i believe

  9. No. I think anyone who says they have seen an alien is either lying or has psychological problems.

    It is not that I think there is no life on other planets. I think there probably is. Just that none of them have come to Earth.

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