
Do you believe we are "too free"?

by  |  earlier

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Some of you will say no just because George Bush is in office and you live to demonize him, but hear me out. The press is too free because they can just walk up to anyone, demand their attention, and when they're rebuffed, latch on to a phantom "right to know" that appears nowhere in the Constitution. We kill babies for convenience,women want to be able to do it all, and wonder why they suffer stress, We want to clothe ourselves in rights(Abortion rights, the "right to know", basically it seems. in my mind we have only those rights enumerated in the Constitution and none other. We take many of our rights at the expense of those of others, and most of all we forget that with rights come responsibilities, because damned if anyone's going to make us do ANYthing we don't want to do. We're overpriviledged, and lazy, and stuck on ourselves, and this comes from the overabundance of freedom we have insisted on as individuals, even if it impinges on someone else. Who agrees?




  1. I agree specifically with your Freedom of Speech stance

    it's abused so much today it's not funny, yes you have the right to say what you like but you can't keep hiding behind the Constitution every time you make racist/controversial/offensive statements

    it's stupid, it's used as a vehicle to attack and demonise so many groups these days

    it's like a licence to offend these days

    I wouldn't say we need to abolish it but we need far TIGHTER legal controls over freedom of speech

    so it doesn't turn into this widespread excuse for people to insult and offend each other

  2. "1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or 2. abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    1. Many of us believe that this means separation of church and state. it just simply means that our government will not make laws for or against religion.

    2. With a free press, comes a freedom of information. Yes the Right to know is not in the constitution depending on how you interpret it, But there is something called the "Freedom of Information Act." That gives all of us the right to information. Without it you would not be able to make the claims you are making right now.

    It is also a bit naive of you to say that babies are being killed for convenience. That would be murder. Going back to right to know, Maybe you have a valid point. Having too much information tends to lead to inaccurate statement such as baby killing for convenience.

    Bottom Line you could never be too free. The only true freedom you have is the freedom to think what you want. You can never be arrested for what you think.

    Just remember that information is power. The more you have, the more likely you are to make rational conclusions on specific events. Providing the information you get is accurate.

    I don't agree with you.

    Unlearn then learn the facts.

  3. But here's the real question, do you want to loose those rights? All of them? You know that if you went to some other country and your rights were infringed that you would call upon those rights. You complain about them but you sure as h**l wouldn't want to loose them now would you?

  4. There are more than 4000 American soldiers and half a million Iraqis tht are not free at all - they're dead.

    You are no longer free from surveillance in the US.

    Habeus corpus is at risk.  Any government person can throw you in jail indefinitely by calling you a terrorist.

    Abortion is at risk - a woman no longer has a right to the security of her own body.

    You can say, "No comment" to the press and walk away.  If they grab your arm, you can deck them.

    We have the right to every right not denied us in the Constitution - it is a document constructed to limit the power of the government, not the people.

    You are so wrong in your thinking that its frightening.

  5. mm O-o  one woman have the right to do what ever they want to  no one has the right to tell  her other wise !

    We have those rights  due to our forefather fought for our rights to have them unless your was brought over by slavers  at the time the forefathers was writing the United States Constitution  that another store .

    Many of us feel  that our Rights are being taken away way to much  and if you dint' like the freedom of speech  don't use it it not just for  reporters  it for ever known American  who want to  speak out on in justice in our country

    Edit  If you don't like the way  our country is   I'm sure  you can leave  and find  another country to your likings  your free to choose any one you  feel free at any time to open that door and  leave  to the nearest country of your limiet brain can handle !

  6. not me.

    there are too many disparate points to answer each one, but, for instance,

    i believe we are over-privileged compared to almost all the world, but i totally disagree that this comes from an overabundance of freedom.

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