
Do you believe we existed somewhere else as something else before we were born? ?

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Or do you believe we were waiting in heaven for our "turn" on Earth? What do you believe?




  1. no we didnt. We began at conception..

  2. Why yes, I existed as a fetus inside my mommy's belly before I was born. You?

  3. Honey...

    molecules have always existed since the Big Bang.

  4. If death extinguishes our personality and memories--you don't remember existing before, do you?--then what difference does it make?

    One analogy I read pertained to candles:  If you blow a candle out and then relight it, is the new flame the same as the old?  Who knows?

  5. No?

  6. The concept of waiting to be born comes from Greek myth. After drinking from the pool of Lethe (Forgetfulness), some souls in Hades were allowed back to the land of the living.

    I don't believe we lived in any form before our current lives, nor will we live after death.

    The pathways in my brain and nervous system, as well as the ways other parts of my body are configured, are what go to make my personality and the notion, or illusion, of self. There's no such thing as a soul.

    After I'm dead that configuration is gone, and it can start to go before death. I as a person will be no more; and in the same way I could not have been here "before".

    The molecular components of my body will of course be distributed and some may reappear in other living creatures, but they will then go to make up the new individual, but that isn't the same thing as me coming back or rebirth.

  7. I believe we were waiting with God in Heaven for our chance to "come on down" and join in this exciting experience on planet Earth, and see if we can do all the right things in our lives so we can return to Heaven when we die.

  8. I don't recall having been anywhere else.

  9. Yes. we were part of the food chain, possibly a hamburger mummy ate once. then we grew into a little feotus and came out!

  10. Reincarnation is not a new Idea

    Many people have past life memories

    Many beliefs strongly believe in reincarnation, with life and death as an endless cycle.  

  11. yup.. I was in another body , at another place and in another incarnation

  12. *Both the statements are true !!~~

    We are born & reborn again & again and smtimes, the next birth is instanteous while smtimes we have to wait our turn ........ for/ till the ideal situation and cirucumstances are created for us to be reborn at a particular place or in a particular family / cirumstances  ...... according to our past karmas or actions ...... !!! ☺

  13. I never considered the waiting our "turn" in Heaven, but I like that kind of:) otherwise I don't think we were anything until God made us.

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