
Do you believe we have a soul?

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Do you believe we have a soul? Did you know that God gave us a soul?




  1. yes and yes  

  2. of course

    that is the only thing that is going to leave this earth with us when we get cought up

  3. I do believe every Living thing has a soul. I don't believe it was given by God. Because if he did, I just wouldn't make sense. Why did he do it? To enjoy? He is already perfect, why does he need some more enjoyment. If he did, there are so many non-believers that are going to h**l just because he created us, and we did not believe. Utter nonsense in my opinion.

  4. No, there is not one iota of evidence for a "soul" or any "god".

  5. Yes, I do believe we all have a soul. I have yet to understand however, where it comes from. I have tried to make a conclusion based on faith and reason and so far, I think our souls are being tested here on earth and one day if we prove ourselves righteous we will live in God's presence. We will all become angels.

  6. Did you know the body is a soul. God says so. Read Genesis!

  7. No, the concept of a soul is from a time when people thought that our hearts were the center of our emotions.  Both concepts were made up by people that had little or no knowledge of how our bodies worked.  There simply is no evidence to support either myth.

  8. Why would anyone believe in a soul?

    There's absolutely no evidence at all.

    Next you'll be telling me that people are silly enough to believe in invisible deities.


  9. No. there is no such thing

  10. I'm an Atheist so "God" is out for me since I don't believe.

    I do however believe in a "soul"......not like Christians believe though.

    I believe we all have an energy/soul/essence....whatever you want to call it that makes us who we are...and when we die that goes back out into the Universe where I believe it came.

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