
Do you believe we humans share a common ancestral mother, and that we are all one race?

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I do.




  1. So far, there is NO EVIDENCE (ZILCH, NADA, ZERO) of such.  (DNA is completely different between the "races"; Russian DNA (and blood) is completely different than American!

    That being said, The Bible says it is so, so it must be so.

  2. Yup her name was Eve

  3. One species, yes, one race, no.

    DNA variation percentages, as quoted in another reply, are both dated and disingenous, and originally come from OUTSIDE the field.  Any competent geneticist can determine race from a DNA sample almost at a glance, but you won't see *that* on a CSI episode anytime soon.  Too "political."

    Genetic mutation and drift within geographically isolated population centers following the diaspora of early man from Africa makes the existence of a common ancestral mother (or father) a moot point.  Like Darwin's finches, we've diverged in response to local conditions and are no longer the same.

  4. Science shows that there is no way of telling a person race or ethnicity by looking at their DNA and blood type.  Under a microsope we are all the same: we are all human.  Race was invented by man kind in an attempt to put people into catagories.  Over time people who mirgrated to different areas adapted to living in those climates and their skin and appearance changed and they developed different cultures and languages and different everything.  We are all humans whether we like it or not and outside of the human mind and human concept there is not such thing as race or ethnicity.

  5. The seven daughters of Eve, basically explains that there WAS in fact an "Eve" of sorts, she lived about 60,000 years ago.

    There was also an "Adam", he lived about 150,000 years ago - if my memory serves.

    I may have the dates reversed but I think I'm correct.

    Both are based on various MRNA/DNA samples taken from across the globe.

    There are many books on the subject.

    The Seven Daughers of Eve

    The Real Eve

    The Dawn of Mankind

    The history of the species -

    My question is how exactly did a primitive group of farmers and herders 6000 years ago, come by this kind of information, they may have gotten the dates are wrong, the locations are 6000 miles apart but nevertheless, I find it hard to believe that this stayed in the collective memory for 60 or 70,000 years.

  6. We do share a common ancestral mother and we are, basically, one race.... different exteriors, colors, cultures, languages, but we all stemmed from one set of parents... to be blunt, Adam and Eve...

  7. Watch the Discovery Channel special "The Real Eve."  DNA proves we all came from one woman 150,000 years ago.  And we all have the SAME DNA!  

    (nothings useful armed is full of c**p and should study up on what he's talking about before opening his stupid mouth.)

    Watch this show - it explains everything you want to know.

  8. If it were not the case, we wouldn't all be able to mate and have viable offspring, as one species...

  9. DNA testing seems to leave little doubt.  We are all more closely related than the world's chimpanzees.

  10. More info on our "Mitochrondrial Eve."

    "Merriwether's research is based in methods pioneered about 10 years ago by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, who realized the advantages of using mitochondrial DNA to study evolution. Although most of our DNA resides in cell nuclei, another part of the cell, the mitochondria, also contains relatively short DNA strands. Research has shown that slight changes from generation to generation accumulate steadily in this DNA, like a fast-ticking evolutionary clock — making it possible to extrapolate backward in time.

    Mitochondrial DNA, furthermore, is inherited from the mother alone. Nuclear DNA, by contrast, bears the genetic imprint of two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, etc. Because only one parent contributes to mitochondrial DNA, genetic changes trace backward in a single line, one person in each generation, making it feasible in theory to trace all humans to a single ancestor — so-called "mitochondrial Eve." Several major studies have used these methods to arrive at the still controversial conclusion that all humans are descended from people living in Africa about 200,000 years ago."

  11. Is your belief based on evidence, or is it what you want to believe?

  12. Yes, of course. That is why we have all physical characteristics in common. But you know we can't really find out who our ancestral mother is. It all depends on faith, if you believe in science or the bible.

  13. No way, monkeys spit out thousands of different types of human races in a land far far away  and long long ago. Just like they do now days, that's nothing new.

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