
Do you believe we really did come from Neanderthals?

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Do you believe more intelligent beings went with cave men & created who we are now? (Genesis) Is it possible Aliens mixed with Neanderthals- what about how advanced the Egyptians were- how was everyone else when they were being Awesome?




  1. It has been proved that we didn`t evolve from Neanderthals, there were at the time roughly 14 sub-species of which Neanderthals were one. They all died out during the last ice age except one "Human Beings"....

  2. We aren't descended from Neanderthals. DNA evidence has shown Neanderthals were a separate species altogether from Homo Sapiens and there has not been any mixture between the two.

    Neanderthals are part of the genus homo, but a close relative and not a direct ancestor of modern man.

  3. I'm not sure about the neanderthals, but I feel there may be something in the intelligent beings from somewhere other than this planet being involved in our creation.  It has been scientifically proved that everything else on earth has it's origins here, except modern man (homo sapiens).  So where did we come from?

    My theory is, we are all some sort of alien experiment.  

    Who knows really?!

    Until it's been proved one way or another, it will remain speculation.

  4. I've been too busy to answer lately, but Mathilda hit the nail on the head... chuckle, she's been known to cast pearls before swine. Good job Mathilda.

  5. Neanderthals were fully human.

    They are probably a now-extinct branch of humans.

    All humans are descended from Adam and Eve, and more recently from Noah and his Wife.

    Check out this article for loads of info about where the 'races' come from.

    At the time of Babel people were all gathered in one place with a high level of technology. When God confused the languages, people spread out. Different groups had different skills. Quite a few groups had building skills and built similar kidns of pryamid structures everywhere from Egypt to S America to Asia.

    It all makes complete sense when you accept the Biblical history.

  6. Don't get me started...

    When modern human populations overwhelm another it can be very difficult to track down DNA from the lost one in another. Essentially, the lost populations Y chromosomes can vanish totally, and the mt DNA only comes in at a minority.

    Add to this that fact that it's now known neither the Y chromosome or Mt DNA are neutral genes, they are subject to selection.


    You know, there's plenty of geneticists that say they've found good evidence of homo Erectus/Neanderthal genes in modern Humans, you don't see it in the news. Also, a low level of hybridisation is more supported by anthropologists than the 'out of Africa' theory. Believe me, I read items in both fields that totally rip 'out of Africa' apart.

    There's a few DNA studies on this link. the female X chromosomes in Asia are way too different for 'out of Africa' to be possible. Also, some of the dates for European red hair are too old for a modern human genesis.


    "The ubiquitous and variable presence of these morphological features in the European earlier modern human samples can only be parsimoniously explained as a product of modest levels of assimilation of Neandertals into early modern human populations"

    "we show that haplogroup D likely originated from a lineage separated from modern humans 1.1 million years ago and introgressed into humans by 37,000 years ago. This finding supports the possibility of admixture between modern humans and archaic Homo populations (Neanderthals being one possibility)."

    "These patterns of deep haplotype divergence and long-range linkage disequilibrium are best explained by a prolonged period of ancestral population subdivision followed by relatively recent interbreeding. This inference supports human evolution models that incorporate admixture between divergent African branches of the genus Homo".

    "We suggest that this ancient lineage is a remnant of introgressive hybridization between expanding anatomically modern humans emerging from Africa and archaic populations in Eurasia."

    As for the Egyptians, they were actually pretty slow starters. They were just about the last civillisation on the Med to start smelting copper (oldest site at Maadi) about 5,500 years AT LEAST 2,000 years later than copper working in the Balkans, where the oldest copper item is an axe head, about 7,500 years old.



    Also, that they discovered writing is looking very hazy as some peices of what looks like a runic script have turned up in Bulgaria, so they don't get the credit for writing either.


    Agriculture seems to have originated in Southern Turkey.


    And the oldest cities and stone temples are there too, about 11,500 years old.


    It was only the later dynasties that did the awe inspiring work. Apparently the Indus valley civillisation produced very impressive cities, as did some on the East coast fo India about the same time.

  7. yes

  8. I think there maybe something in the theory that aliens mixed with Neanderthals. The trouble with the evolution theory is that there is a missing link. Just my opinion which I hope I am allowed to have.

  9. Yes we did however it was hominids that were the first human like species we humans evolved from.

    Here is some links that prove the fact:

  10. No we did not come from neanderthals. They were a brance of humans which died out. We come Cro Magnen man

  11. Occam's Razor (the law of parsimony) states that you don't make more assumptions that necessary.

    To accomplish your belief you need to assume:

    1. Life on other worlds

    2. Life that develops intelligence

    3. Intelligence thats builds spaceships

    4. Spaceships that can go faster then light

    5. Spaceships that can carry enough fuel and supplies to reach earth

    6. Aliens that arrive during the 300,000 years of the Neanderthals. That's out of 4,000,000,000 years of earth's existence. For most of history, the assumed aliens would have found no life.

    7. Aliens with DNA that's comparable to earth's. Given the billions of years of mutations, genetic drift and simple odds, that's very unlikely.

    8. Aliens that have a perverse desire to mate with Neanderthals

    9. Production of enough hybrids to form a breeding population

    10 To have the alien intervention be hidden

    11. To have the 'out of Africa" and "Regional" explanations be totally wrong.

    Aw, you get the picture.

  12. Huh?

    currently, most who know anything about science don't think we "came from" Neanderthals; there were a number of branches of pre-us species.

    Homo sapiens sapiens evolved from earlier homo sapiens, which evolved from earlier proto-humans.

    No, aliens weren't involved. We share DNA with all other life on Earch, and share something like 98% with our nearest "cousins" the chimps.

    Egypt was one of the earliest big civilizations; the rest of the species continued in pre-civilization life-styles (some still do).

  13. i dunno what ur on about, but i think we r made of water cos our earth is 80% water or summin

    and i think on a plannet made 80% of rock, there r rock men


  14. I don't think anyone claims that, Neanderthals were another species of homo that co-evolved with sapiens and may have interbred. They were not our ancestors.

    Please go and learn some real history and biology, it is more interesting than silly speculation.

  15. I dunno, but I came from Meander Falls.

  16. Have not been individual complete nor interments, reason why sometimes the rest can only be attributed to this human type by their association to musteriense lítico material. In Spain, the first anthropological rest pertaining to neandertales were discovered accidentally in 1848 in Gibraltar, previous finding to the discovery of the fossil of the valley of the Neander, although then it was not identified like own species. Although have been other rest in diverse places of Spain (Granada, Barcelona), most representative they are the mentioned ones of Gibraltar. In the central Plateau it has only appeared a fragment pertaining to a young person of 10-18 years You will marry in Them (Guadalajara). The neandertales owned a skull of heavy walls, gotten flat and extended. They present/display noticeable superciliary arcs. All this contrasts with the skulls of the modern man, more cleared and with the thinner bony walls. They had a high cranial capacity (1,450 centimeters cubical). The robust skeleton, of long trunk and short legs, well was adapted to its form of life hunting-collector on an environment that frequently was extremely cold, and that concluded with the last glacial period. Although the men were corpulentos than the women, both already owned a great musculatura from the childhood. They had a great head with prominent noses and a reserved chin. Like general average, their brains were of the same size or majors that the brain of the modern man, which is related more to the great size of the body and its great musculatura that with one more an elevated intelligence. They formed reduced groups, as they demonstrate the establishments that have been excavated, and the densidad of its population was low. Although the technology used by the neandertales ones was quite simple, are tests that they were capable hunters, although also they were dedicated to the fishing. The harvesting had a very outstanding paper in the food obtaining, almost at the same level that the hunting, and with them appears the first samples of religious practices when burying to deads. They disappeared of the European archaeological registry probably does about 30.000-35.000 years, as a result of the appearance of the modern man (Homo is seen sapiens) that it competed with the neandertales by the same resources.

  17. if you saw me first thing in the morning you wouldnt be asking this question, you would be making a statement say yes we came from neanderthals

  18. My wife says i still am one? so my answer has to be categorically YES?

  19. Most professionals who know about these things believe that the race of Neanderthal people that populated Europe and Asia about 500,000 years ago eventually died out and there is no archeological evidence of them since about 30,000 years ago. I guess its unlikely you or I were descended from them if they became extinct.  Did aliens interbreed with them? Well, they would had to have been aliens that were closer to humans than chimpanzees - who can't breed with humans. Where did these aliens come from and if they arrived on earth why is there no trace of 'foreign' DNA in our or other animal's genes.

  20. I suspect that Neanderthals pretty much died off from competition and assault by our ancestors.  There might be some interbreeding but it was minor.  About 400 to 300 thousand years ago, a hominid named H. heidelbergensis split into two populations, according to the most accepted theory.  Those populations later became Neanderthals and humans.  Neanderthals were adapted mostly to the cold forests of Eurasia, and apparently died out.

  21. We didn't come from Neanderthals. Homo Sapiens (us) shared a common ancestor with the Neanderthal, but the two species developed along seperate lines, and the less successful of the two eventually died out. There is some evidence to suggest that humans and neanderthals were closely related enough to have reproduced together, but even if ancestors of these mixes survive to this day the Neanderthal part is so diluted as to be undetectable (although you may not believe it to look at some people...) Anyway, there is no direct evolutionary line between us and the neanderthals.

    The Egyptians were incredibly ahead of there time, as were other civilisations at different times during history (see the Mayans and even the Romans and for some time some Arab civilisations) and I don't personally buy the alien thing but hey, I'm a sceptic, believe what you will...

  22. There's tons of evidence that backs up the theory of evolution.

    It's pretty much truth.

  23. You had my attention until you threw in the alien being thing.  You're not ready to have this discussion, go back to school.

  24. if you actually check the ancient skulls you will find that the 'clever scientists' cheated,,,, they glued skulls from different creatures

    ,,,if they are experts you cannot say they are wrong

    it's like in medievel times, if you declared that the sky was 2 miles and 3 furlongs above any ground,,,,, who could argue with you, huh?

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