
Do you believe we torture and if so do you think it's necessary ?

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Do you believe we torture and if so do you think it's necessary ?




  1. Whether you call it TORTURE or HARSH INTERROGATION techniques it is still the same. Being a signatory to many treaties that ban this, yet doing the thing in the name of fighting the war on terrorism is despicable.

    We will NEVER win the war on terrorism. If we could, do you think there would still be groups like the KKK, or the Aryan Brotherhood, or the Bloods and Crips?

    You can not fight and win against an IDEAL.

  2. I think "we" torture our own citizens.

    Torture comes in many forms and just the fear-mongering alone used currently against the citizenry is tantamount to psychological torture.

    As torture is a very loosely defined (and often a mater or perspective/interpretation)  question such as "to you think we torture", will likely draw ALL kinds of comments/opinions.

    The dictionary defines tortures as (there were many definitions listed i choose the top one):

    The deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason

    ... that could describe a lot of thing, but it definitely describes waterboarding

  3. I don't know if we 'torture' but if we (the USA) do, we should not!  That is one of the things that sets us APART from the bad guys.  Otherwise, it's all just a big "who's got a bigger stick" free for all.

  4. Finally a great question. Let's start with the basics.


    Let's look at some facts;

    The question you must ask is both  moral and legal in the eyes of the world community. If you had a loved one in peril, and all else has failed through investigative means, you are at a dead end. If you had a known suspect in custody, that had proven ties to the abductors, how far would you go in getting answers to save them? Now add this fact by 1000 people or millions, how far will you go?. Human rights, but at what cost? I believe in GOD, but to save millions of lives, I would ripe off their face, with my teeth,  the person that  had knowledge to save them. With the weapons available today we must, Bio, nuke, genetic, make sure that all accused, have rights to an  attorney( civilian), if so qualified,  if found guilty, use what ever means, deemed necessary, to protect our country and it's allies.  


  5. No. And for those who've never had the misfortune of being in combat, the battlefield is not the place for tea and crumpets and Miranda recitations.

    Relevant intelligence is vital to keeping American troops as safe and successful as possible

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