
Do you believe what Israel is saying that if Obama wins the election, they will start a war with Iran?

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which in turn will make all our lives a living nightmare? are you willing to take such a chance at electing Barack knowing that doing so will basically begin world war 3?




  1. Do you think that because you made this up and posted it that people will believe it.........................

  2. Well, I googled it, but I couldn't find anything like that.  Do you have a link?

  3. That's not the only thing that would happen. Here are some more;

    1. Amnesty for 12,000,000 illegal immigrants.

    2. Only Liberal judges would be appointed.

    3. Any reference to God would be taken out of

    our currency, and pledge of allegiance.

    4. Large increases in taxes to pay for new social    programs.

    5. Pass the fairness doctrine to put a muzzle on radio talk shows.

    6. Make the killing of unborn babies more difficult  to stop.

    7. Give terrorists the same rights as American citizens under our constitution.

    8. Give up in Iraq and send a message to the terrorist that they can terrorize the world.

  4. First off, I would like to know where you heard that.  That seems like an unsourced rumour to me.  

    Assuming it's true, I don't think it will make much of a difference.  With Israel's current attitude and foreign policy, they're bound to attack Iran anyway.

  5. that's not even close to being true.......try again!

  6. What on earth are you talking about?

    I guess I missed that headline, but let's see, no, I don't believe them.

    World War 3.  You've hit a new low.

  7. Do you believe that Israel is saying that it doesn't matter who wins the election, they will start a war with Iran?

    No it will not start WWIII.

  8. There are two windows of opportunity August-September, or March-April, other Factors, What happens to the Kadema leadership after their leadership conference. Olmert is not exactly popular.

    We know the planes can make the trip

    We know we sold them bunker buster bombs and they fly our aircraft

    We also know we will get blowback also

    We know this can only be accomplished with our cooperation.

    Iraq is in the flight path and Seymour Hersh announced to the planet that ops are in Iran Now, and today something went boom in a military base in Iran and sabotage is suspected.

  9. I don't care what Israel does as long as America stays out of it.  Playing Israels big brother costs America too much money.  They are a sovereign nation and should be left to take care of themselves.  Why does America have such a fascination with protecting the country anyway?

  10. You, my friend, are misinformed!  Israel is really not saying what they will or will not do & they most certainly are not tying who we elect to anything!  Sources from within our government have said that they believe "if" Israel does attack, it will be before the end of this year.  Iran has said that if Israel does attack them, the Americans will pay a terrible price because it will be our fault if they attack!  Guess he has forgotten that he has said that Israel would be the first target! Israel has good reason to attack Iran, they sure don't want to let the Iranians get the upper hand!

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